Monday, March 8, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday: Yellow

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

It's Monday!! That means it's time for a Muffin Tin Meal. This week the theme was yellow.

From left to right: Lemon yogurt, starfruit, fresh pineapple, buttered noodles with parmesan cheese, and a lemon Girl Scout Cookie. We didn't have enough yellow cups so we added in some pink.

The girls seemed to like the noodles best!

Pop on over to Michelle's and see what other yummy meals kids are eating.


Anonymous said...

What great foods! I have never tried the star fruit. I will have to remember that one.

w said...

it looks great! i love star fruit. it's just that i'm allergic to it. so i watch my girls eat it. while i sulk.

Sandy said...

Great use of yellow! It looks delicious!

Christy said...

oooh, starfruit! Didn't think of that!

Lisa said...

Great tin!

Kelly said...

It looks like a fun lunch. The star fruit was a great idea.

Michele said...

I love those little cups. And pink ALWAYS fits in at our house!

Library Mommy said...

Oh, Starfish, I call it Mommy's special fruit because it always makes fruit salad more interesting to my little girl!

Leah said...

Looks great, I have not tried star fruit but it looks so good.

Unknown said...

I think the pink cups compliment the yellow quite nicely!

Sarah said...

So much creativity packed into little tins. I love it.

Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. Always a delight to meet other homeschoolin' moms.



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