Monday, March 22, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday: Breakfast

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

It's time for Muffin Tin Monday hosted by the Muffin Tin Mom! This week there was no theme so I decided to do an easy breakfast.

The girls ate raspberries, cinnamon roll cut in half so it would fit in the cups, and blueberries.

No surprise that Kayleigh went for the cinnamon roll, or donut as she calls it, first. All food that is round is a donut to her. LOL

Mackenzie decided to go with the raspberries first. We haven't had those in a while.


Anonymous said...

Yum! I love cinnamon rolls and JDaniel loves fruit. We both would have been happy!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

how funny, I did my bear tins this week too - and I had one full of blueberries! I'm not going to tell Pierce you all got cinnamon rolls in yours though ;-)

monica said...

I love doing breakfasts...and what a great one you did! Love cinnamon rolls!

Leah said...

Love your tins. The breakfast looks tasty.

w said...

that looks like a great breakfast! i used the bears today, too!

Kelly said...

What a sweet breakfast! It looks delicious.


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