Kayleigh is 25 months

Hello Tot Schoolers!!! Another week gone by.
As usual, nothing went as planned. Sheer stubborness early in the week and feeling under the weather at the tail end messed with my best of plans. LOL So basically, other then the illness, it was totally normal.
Here's what we attempted.

1) Teddy Mix and Match from Sonlight's core p3/4. We don't own the whole core yet because she's not ready to sit for stories of that length. So I bought some of the manipulatives. I can do that because I'm a Sonlight-aholic and that affords me free shipping and 10% off no matter how much I order.
It's very, very cute. And just perfect for little hands. I thought it would work well with our Brown Bear, Brown Bear theme. There are several ways to play it. I choose the simplest method. To lay half the cards, face up, on the floor. I hand her a card and she finds the match on the floor. So simple...Unless you're doing it with Kayleigh.
She scattered them.

She hugged them. Clearly she loved them. But she was not matching them. (I don't know why this is upside down. Blogger must want it that way because everytime I try to upload it right side up, blogger turns it upside down. It's annoying. I hope nobody strains their neck trying to look at it. LOL I think I might submit that one to the Sonlight catalog. Right side up.)

Eventually she started to line them up. While not what I had intended, I liked it. She normally likes to stick with flinging so I was thrilled.

Back to scattering.
And then the little monkey threw me a bone. She matched the panda bears. I know you can't tell from this pictures but those are two pandas in her hands. They're dancing. For joy, I think. Then she was done.

2) Heads and Tails game from
Carisa's Brown Bear Tot Pack.
At first she just wanted to fling them. Shocking I know. LOL

Then she started to cooperate. For about 2 minutes.

So I attempted to distract her from her madness and brought out the book. I made the matches and then she'd find that animal in the book. She liked that.

We tried it again at a later date and she played along. She was on a roll. For 5 whole minutes. A record for Kayleigh!
3) That was the rice bin. I made her a "B" matching game. I hid the "B's" in the rice. She was supposed to find them and put them on the sheet. I can't tell you exactly what she said when I suggested that but, gathering from the tone of rage in her voice, it wasn't nice or pretty. There is no photographic evidence of the event, other then the shot of the three tot trays. LOL
In fact she was so annoyed that she wouldn't play the "B" matching without the rice. And she loved matching A's a few weeks ago. You never know what the little miss is going to think. She's the same way with food. Oh well, there's always next week. I'm going to hide Brown Bear characters instead and keep the B's separate. LOL
In other news, we worked on the Animal Color Book from Carisa's Tot Pack. She was a little disgruntled at first but once I said things like "Color his tail" or "Color his eyes" she happily complied and colored every page. In fact, she became so enthralled that when, a few days later, I brought out her nicely laminated book she wanted to color it all over. Except that it really was laminated. She was really mad! LOL

So I gave her a bingo marker page from
MLF and that pacified her. She even, spent the first 2 minutes marking a few of the animals the same color as they were in the book. Then she decided that purple was best for all of them. She said she's thinking of giving Eric Carle a call and suggesting a reprint.
Other than baby gym, that was our week. She started feeling poorly near the end so we just worked on survival.
We also finally held her "birthday party." A month late. LOL Normally it would be somewhat of a bash, we love birthdays, but it's been a crazy time so we just stuck to a small party with our family here. And we totally copied her big sister's 2nd birthday. Same theme, same cake, same gift, and pretty much the same guests. LOL That cake was really easy and I wanted to make it again. Here's my favorite shots.