Why you might ask? Here's the short list...
winter promise Recap
1) The crappy customer service. It's the worst. It took 5 months to get my (incomplete) order. FIVE MONTHS. Really. And I never received confirmation of what I would be receiving. When it would be shipping. Not even a packing list. I never did get everything. You can read about my thoughts as it happened.
2) The material that I used, children around the world, was a complete pile of junk. The maps were incorrect. All the freaking time. The IG was a complete and utter mess. Page numbers wrong time and time again for starters. The notebooking pages were crap. Several of the books published by them were filled spelling and grammar errors. I could go on and on with specifics. But I'm not going to now because I already did. Click the link and see all the horrible mistakes I found during the five weeks that I used the program. The link will show the posts starting with the most recent so you might want to click to the start of it all.
3) The return policy is a JOKE. Please read this carefully and note the part I highlighted.
Basically, three weeks after I got the stickers and one book, my chance to return this crap was over. You know, since it took another 5 months to get the rest.
4) They know their product is junk and they don't care. I talked with the owner on several occasions. I went into explicit detail about the errors that I found. On one product, the $30 book filled with spelling and grammar errors, he owned up to. Sort of. They knew it was like that but sold it anyway without alerting the customer. The rest he played dumb about.
Which makes him a liar because I researched their message boards and found post after post showing people complaining about the very issues I spoke of. People had been posting about it for years. His responses were less then satisfactory and an embarrassment to his company.
Please be sure to click the links so that you know what you're getting into when you purchase from them. We lost thousands of dollars to this company. We're blessed that it didn't break us, but not every one is in the same financial position as we are.
So Why am I Bringing this up Again?
First and foremost, because I'm very passionate about making sure that other people don't get ripped off by them the way that I was.
Secondly, they're still trying to rip you off. Last year they started venturing in the world of e-books. I thought that was an interesting tactic. I figured at the very list it would be easier for them to correct errors and stop sending people the error riddled physical books. At least with an e-book they could correct the error and send you a new link or something.
My bad for giving them the benefit of the doubt again. I don't know whether or not they would update an error because no way in heck am I giving them a dime of my money again. But here's what I do know.
They will charge you shipping on your e-book!!!!! That's right they are making their customers pay shipping on something that they can email. Holy Creep of the Year Batman!!! Who does that?
In an effort to be fair and not take somebody's word on this fact. I loaded up my cart with an e-book. I'll let my e-cart do the talking.
What losers!
And now you've been warned.