Hello Tot Schoolers!!!
There was not a lot of official Tot Schooling going on here this week. To be honest we only got in one day, not counting baby gym. So our rain/rainbow theme didn't get a lot of action. In fact the rain activities didn't get any. LOL
Here's what we did get in on Thursday. Some rainbow fun.
We practiced recognizing and counting 1-5 with some cute circle-time rainbows from here. Kayleigh liked playing with the pointer and she even attempted to count along a bit. I knew she could count to 3 but she surprised my by actually counting to 5. No real # recognition that I can tell. Of course she does her best learning behind my back. LOL

We worked more on counting by counting clouds with an activity from the same site. I deviated a bit by using cotton balls for clouds instead. I'd like to say it's because I wanted to make the activity more tactile for Kayleigh but that's not true. I just didn't feel like cutting around all those little clouds twice. LOL The sensory aspect was just a bonus.

She also did a rainbow magnet page, also from Home Grown Hearts. Her rabbit helped out too.

We read about rainbows in All Aboard with Noah!: A Lift-the-Flap Book . Very cute! And she didn't rip all the flaps out. She's notorious for ripping flaps out. She only got to a couple this time. Sigh...
I made a really cute umbrella shape matching game, again courtesy of Home Grown Hearts, but we didn't get to it. Maybe we'll get it out next time we have a rainy day.
She did play with this.
Naturally, she didn't sort anything. She just randomly stuck things on pegs. So, since I didn't get any pictures of this, you're not really missing out on much. LOL
We did spend a lot of time outdoors early in the week. Before the weather turned on us. She decided she was ready to be a Sonlighter like Sissy. She decided to study birds in The Usborne Book of Knowledge.

Kayleigh is really starting to play interactively with dolls. She sets them up, makes them do realistic things, and has them singing. It's just the cutest thing to see.
Kayleigh loves it so much that she even shares her most favorite thing with her little people, rocks. Mmm, mmm rocks are perfect for a royal feast.
Lastly, Big Sis taught her how to cloud watch. How cute is that? (And how irritating that it's the only "activity" that she actually followed directions for? LOL You've got to love her.)

Be sure to head over to 1+1+=1 and see what the other tots have been up too.