My wee babe has been recently been showing some interest in learning to read. So it was very timely that we were given the chance to review a new, online reading program called Reading Eggs. It is an interactive, online program that teaches letters, reading, comprehension, and spelling.
From the Website:
Learning to read can be easy and fun. Reading Eggs makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities.
Reading Eggs is as Easy as 1, 2, 3
1 – Learn
2 – Read
3 – Write

Kayleigh really enjoyed the engaging characters and fun songs. You'll often find her singing her favorite songs from the lessons. She is always laughing when she is on the site. When she finishes each lesson she likes to spend time in the Playroom. The Playroom is filled with additional games, books, "art", music, and other fun activities.
As a parent, I appreciate how simple it is to view your child's progress. The dashboard is set up so that everything is at your finger tips. With just a glance you can see your child's progress. With one click, you can view a more detailed report. It's just that easy. It is also easy for a child to navigate. After going through a couple lessons with me helping her, Kayleigh is now easily able to navigate through the lessons and the rest of the site all on her own.
And I have to say that she is learning. We were at the library yesterday and they has some magnetic letters up on the wall. She went right over and was able to name all the letter sounds that she had learned. She tends to be very secretive about what she knows so it was quite exciting that she let us in on some of her knowledge.
Ages: 2-7 (The also offer Reading Eggspress for kids 7-13)
Pricing: monthly plans starting at $9.95, 6 months for $49.95, and yearly subscriptions for $75. They also offer a 50% family discount with the 6 or 12 month plans.
Read more about the program HERE and don't forget to try two weeks for FREE!
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Disclaimer: I received a free subscription to Reading Eggs for review purposes. All opinions are my own.