Kayleigh is 3.95 years old
This week we were focusing on the letter D. Our verse was another fitting one, Philippians 2:14, especially for my oldest daughter. LOL Our spines for Kayleigh’s activities continue to be Sonlight core p 3/4, Raising Rock Stars Preschool, and All About Reading level pre-1.
Raising Rock Stars
Do all things without complaining or disputing. Philippians 2:14 was our verse this week. I chose the I Am Helpful virtue from our We Choose Virtues cards to compliment our verse. We talked a lot about how we should respond when asked to do something. Kayleigh surprised me by actually doing a few helpful things for me without being asked. Yay! Here’s our Raising Rock Stars work in action. She’s still not big on the coloring pages but she is very interested in learning to write so she works hard on her tracing pages. She really enjoyed writing letter D because I told her she need to draw” a nice straight back and a big, fat belly.” “Like Santa?” Sure…And she was in love with D. LOL She wasn’t all that thrilled with the length of her verse this week once she was done cutting it out. LOL As you can see on her RRSP craft, she didn’t want to color the page and she gave the smiley face a “make over instead.”
All About Reading
We had a lot of fun with our AAR lessons this week. We played a rhyming came with Zecora Zebra using picture cards that came with the kit. Kayleigh had blast with the letter craft this week. She grudgingly colored the D and the dog but then she got to “make a dress” for the dog out of fabric and then paint “dog food” that the dog spilled onto the ground. (In this week’s AAR story the dogs were messy. lol) Big hit! For our tactile letter activity this week, we built our D using the cling pieces that game with our Grasshopper Preschool Prep kit. That was also a big hit and Kayleigh decided to make A, B, and C too.
We are continuing to read a lot of fairy tales in our Sonlight reading. There were a lot of princess stories this week and Kayleigh was thrilled. We also read a couple of new ones that I had never heard of before. Have you read Diamonds and Toads or The Fisherman and his Wife before? Even at the age of 40, I’m still learning stuff in pre-k. lol
Other Fun Stuff
Kayleigh continues to work hard on writing her names. She loves to write on the Crayola Dry Erase Board. I’m so glad that Carisa over at 1+1+1=1 mentioned this awesome tool. I love being able to slip all kinds of printables into it.
We worked on her counting skills using these fun activity from PreKinders. She had to draw the correct number of spots on the dog. She loved this. Then we put the cards into numerical order.Also from PreKinders was a dog pattern block page and a dog and cat grid game.
We did several activities from ABC Animals. We dot painted our D is for dolphin craft. Kayleigh is IN LOVE with dolphins ever since she first saw Dolphin Tale. She gave some dolphins make overs according to the color written on their bellies. We also put some flash cards into ABC order in our pocket chart. I wasn’t sure how she would like doing that last one but I guess every thing is fun when it involves a pocket chart. lol
She insisted on “sewing” again this week so we got out some lacing cards from our Lauri Pre-K Kit. We also practiced our shapes using our Matching Middles game.
I found this cute “What number is missing?” printable in our Letter of the Week files from COAH. We used number stamps and filled in the missing number. We also did some rhyming puzzles that I got out of a Scholastic book flyer.
And lastly Kayleigh had a little dance show at her Little Gym class. Watch her as she doesn’t pay attention to what she’s supposed to be doing and I scratch my head wondering why I shell out the bucks. LOL Must be because she’s cute.