Kayleigh is 24 months
We had a bit of a chaotic week so we didn't get much done. Monday Daddy was home so that pretty much killed that day. Tuesday Tot School consists of baby gym, so that went as normal. The rest of the week was filled with errands (GS cookie season ugh!). But we did fit in a few things and, for the most part, Kayleigh did great. I was pleased. So here's our week, in no particular order.
For our love theme I made Kayleigh a Color Matching Game. I printed the mat and colored it to match the heart erasers that I got in the clearance section at Target for mere pennies.

She got really into it and played for quite a while. And even matched the colors correctly which, as you might recall, she doesn't do often.

It was so fun that "Lily" had to play too.

We got a package with styrofoam peanuts. So she had her first sensory box. She liked finding hidden objects for about 5 minutes. Then she dumped it all over the floor and stomped on them. Yeah, I'm not anxious to give her the rice I bought for her to use anymore. We were going to try that next week. We'll see. LOL
Be sure to check out what the other tots are up to over at Carisa's.
She did so great with matching! I wish my little one would get into it. She truly resists any and all matching activities! The one good thing about the rice sensory bin is that it's a bit heavier, so she 'shouldn't' be able to as easily up-end it!
what beautiful girls! Looks like a fun week - I love how she have her frog play with her! Creative play is awesome! :)
What a fun week! I love the A matching that you made!
Awww, I love the sisters picture! What adorable girls!!!
And, I'm super jealous that you got the erasers on super clearance at Target! I bought them before Valentine's day, thus paying full price (and how I HATE paying full price! Ha!). I'm glad she enjoyed the activity so much!! Sometimes the Dollar Tree has some good eraser sets. I know that right now, they have cute packages of Easter ones. She might really like those!!
Awesome week!
You have so many great ideas! The heart eraser game is wonderful. I love your daughter's sister shirt when she was playing that game. The A matching is perfect. I am going to try that one with Charger. Thank you for sharing your ideas!
What fun! I bought the same erasers and the sports ones too! I am glad I waited a few days. Sophie is really into having her dolls/George help too. It is so cute to see!
so sorry your kiddo won't touch veggies! What we did with Nathn from early on was presented him with a veggie to try (before the rest of his meal appeared on the table). I asked him to try one bite and chew and swallow. We made up a silly song about chew and swallow and explained that it wasn't polite to spit out food. He was told afterward if he liked it he could have mroe and if he didn't like it he didn't have to eat it. That's worked wonders for him and he's really enthusiastic bout trying new food because he knows it's just one bite. Maybe that would help?
Awesome week! I love the letter A matching! So simple yet such a great "game". I love that she had her baby help her! So cute!
I love, love, love that she had her stuffed animal and doll "help" her!! Both of my girls, especially Lauren, did things like that. Too cute!
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