The Whole Thing...

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The Whole Thing...
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Some nice gentlemen noticed that Kevin had just stepped off a plane from somewhere sandy (you don't wear desert cami's here this time of year) and paid for our meals. How nice is that?
Be sure to check out what other's are doing over at Carisa's and Kris'.
Probably a picture of him eating the giant steak he plans to have later would have made for a more interesting shot. But I don't have time for that today cuz, Hooray, my honey's finally home!
Yep, that was pretty much our week last week. LOL Sadly, for my toddler, the water has gone down today and the ducks no longer allow her to be entertained at our window. LOL
Kayleigh is currently 21 months
We also tried a new activity with magnets. I found these really neat magnet sheets. Basically they are just pictures with "holes" in them. You put a round magnet in the "holes". They suggested buying the magnets on Amazon but I found them at the Dollar Tree for cheap, cheap, cheap. There are sheets for just about any theme you can think of so I printed out some with a Thanksgiving theme.
She really liked this activity. She even attempted to put the magnets in the "right" spots for a while. Score!!! She did this activity for several days. Eventually it would up being another thing for her to throw (that's one our main issues right now) so I put it away for another time.
Here she is "working" in her big girl notebook. She likes to "sit wok" a lot.
Along comes Mr. Alligator quiet as can be...
And he snaps that monkey right out of that three!!!! (Insert lots of laughter here)
But for the most part she's been doing this...
This was no surprise. There's been problems with the drains in our neighborhood since we moved in. A little rain and the streets flood, a big storm and the ducks are thrilled. The problem is easily fixed if they come out and pump them, but they rarely do. Regardless of how many phone calls they get. So needless to say, 2 days later, the "moat" around my "palace" remains. Thus I'm pretty certain my slab will get soaked and the water will seep through the floor and I'll be replacing the entire thing again. Sigh...
Sitting with sissy like a big girl.
Later that week, we went to The Virginia Living Museum. Sissy was studying wolves and making a lapbook. Kayleigh tagged along and had a couple of wolfie things to do of her own.
She was very interested in coloring her wolf "book". I'm sure it had a lot to do with the fact that Mackenzie and her friends were working on their own lapbooks but I found it encouraging. One day we might be able to make a Tot Book. We just need to convince Kayleigh to at least try activities mommy's way. Yeah, right! LOLHer favorite thing to so was play "find the turtle" in the pond tank. He's a quick little turtle.