Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 33 months
Tot School
Click the button to see other tots

As I sit down to write this post I can't even remember what little  we did.  Hopefully the pictures I took will prompt me.  Our theme was supposed to be turkeys this week but we didn't get much done at all.  We're not doing much for 4th grade next week so I plan on doing more with Kayleigh then.

In no particular order, here they are...

Oh she played with the ABC puzzle from our Lauri Toys Primer Pack.

She did some lacing with cards I made from over at Home Grown Hearts.  She doesn't usually like lacing so I was really surprised when she pulled this off the shelf.

We got this adorable Turkey/Spelling Puzzle from 2 Teaching Mommies.  She loved it!!

We did the Color the Turkey book from Carisa's Thanksgiving Tot Pack.  She did a great job coloring the turkeys the right colors.   She likes to "read" the book to us.  And every, single time she'll name one color incorrectly. And everytime the color changes. LOL  Then she got into a huge battle with Daddy over what color the yellow turkey was.  Stubborness at it's finest.

She played with her instruments, Loving Family Dollhouse, Bristle Blocks, and her Jigsaw Jungle (Soft to Touch Jigsaws).

We went on a field trip with Daddy to The Mariner's Museum to see the USS Monitor exhibit.  Big sis just finished studying it.  It was an AWESOME exhibit.

We also played a lot with pumpkin play dough but I didn't take any pictures of that.  Maybe next week.


Elle Belles Bows said...

Looks like a great week! Kerri

Tracey M. said...

That's great that she was into the lacing card. I don't think my son's ready for that yet but good one in the future. We were just playing with our instruments today. J really loves to drum or BANG on his xylophone really loud. I enjoy seeing your field trips and the varied places you go. Great ideas.

Anonymous said...

JDaniel seems to get colors only to forget them the next day.

JDaniel4's Mom
Home of Read.Explore.Learn.

Jennifer said...

Slacker? Where were you slacking? It looks like you had a super fun week!

Have a happy, blessed Thanksgiving!

Tracey M. said...

p.s. I'm starting to feel like a blog stalker. I swear every Tot School blog I'm visiting to comment on, I'm commenting right after you! I promise, totally coincidence (and I suppose that our little ones are only 4 months apart).

Nicole said...

My son is not a fan of lacing either. It's brand new to him so that may be the problem. But it looks like you guys had a good week.....slacker...I think not! :)

Fiona said...

Great thanksgiving activities! We are English and don't celebrate thanksgiving boohoo!

Andrea said...

So cute with the stubborness. M does that too, purposely naming something wrong just so she can assert herself. Silly girls. :)

Patricia said...

I love the photos of your girls. It seems such a nice trip.

Lynn said...

I can never remember anything until I look at our photos either. :)


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