Sunday, February 27, 2011

L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge~Red Edition

I haven't done one of these photo challenges in forever.  Not because I haven't been taking photos but because life has been so busy that I just haven't been blogging as much as I'd like.  At any rate, I saw this challenge and I happen to have taking a lot of red photo's last weekend.  So I'm taking a minute and posting one. 

It's my daughter's third birthday cake.  Getting that icing for the barn red was no joke.  And we all had red teeth afterward. LOL

Click the button at the top of the page to see more RED.  


  1. Oh my goodness! Cutest cupcakes EVER! Really cute!!

  2. wow, great cake, I am so impressed! And the red!! I tried to make a red cake one year, and it came out pink, much to dh's dismay :)

  3. so cute! Great job! Lol, I know about the red icing - I made my dd a Pooh cake one year - it must have taken most of the container of red food coloring to make red icing for his shirt - and then it was more of a deep pink. lol. Those cupcakes are just way too cute.

  4. Now that is red...great the cake and the cupcakes...yum... :O)

  5. I can only imagine how much red coloring was needed for that barn! It all looks so cute and yummy! Great photo for the red challenge.


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