Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tot School: The One Where We Had Another Birthday Party

Kayleigh is 36 months old
and I don't like that! LOL
Tot School

Love was in the air.  Not just because of Valentines Day but because it was Kayleigh's party this week.  Party preparations took some of the wind out of our tot school sails this week but we did a few fun things.

We made some candy necklaces on Valentines Day.  Kayleigh was really into it.  She doesn't normally like stringing.  Apparently candy is key to this activity for her. LOL

We worked on her writing skills with this adorable Valentine's printable from 2 Teaching Mommies.

We played this Roll and Count game, also from 2 Teaching Mommies.  We rolled the die, counted the dots, and covered that many spaces with CANDY HEARTS!!  Kayleigh talks about candy hearts all year long.

Then we graphed candy hearts and ate them.  This was also from 2 Teaching Mommies.

We used the Count and Clip cards from 2 Teaching Mommies.  (I bet you could've guessed that. LOL)  She's not that good at clipping yet so we counted, she'd point to the correct number (or her dog would), and I'd clip on the clothes pin.  She did give the clipping a bit of a go but it winds up frustrating her.  She's getting better though.

She did some more tonging of the foam hearts.  The tongs came from a kids cooking set from IKEA.  They are by far the easiest for her to use.  And both girls love the rest of the set.

She graduated from the mommy and me class to a...gasp...big girl class at the Little Gym.  Wahhhh!!!  The poor picture quality is because I was on the other side of the glass.  Sniff...

4 days after last weeks snow, we hit 70 and the a few days later 78.  So we played a lot at the park.

And we had a birthday party for our 3 year old girl.

Be sure to see what the other tots are up to by clicking the Tot School button at the top of the page.


  1. LOVE your pictures! You had a fabulous week. What a fun party, too! My favorite picture, by far, is the princess dress w/ roller skates. PRICELESS!

  2. Fun! Fun! I'm glad she liked all the printables. On another note, I made that same barn cake for my son for his birthday last year!

  3. That is one of the cutest cakes I've ever seen!

  4. I'm right there with you! M is turning 3 in one week and I just can't believe it!

  5. How cute!!! Love all the pictures!


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