Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week down another week where I'm late with my wrap-up.  LOL

It was an average kind of week.  Nothing terribly exciting happened.

We are wrapping up our study on WW1.  We're still plugging away at our lapbook.  We haven't been working on it daily and that is the issue. LOL  On the bright side she still LOVES the type-it in feature.  Woot!!

She's started a new poem in First Language Lessons and we did a review on dictionary skills.  So exciting.  Or not. LOL

We're still reading through Cheaper By the Dozen and I was thrilled to see that Netflix streaming has an older version of the movie that is more like the book.  Finely something on streaming that I can use for school.  I was getting ready to cancel it.  (Our neighborhood, for whatever reason, has no outgoing mail. Thus Netflix discs require me to make a trip to the post office that I don't want to make.)

We're still working on our penguin report for science.  It's not done for the same reason that our WW1 lapbook isn't.  She's finished taking notes, has an outline, so we're almost done.  We're finishing it this week or else!  Or else we'll be doing it next week too.  LOL   The weather looks like it might stay a tad warmer so we should be able to move on to our study on insects.

Since Mackenzie finished her reader, All of a Kind Family, really early she's been reading Harry Potter.  She's been too afraid to in the past.  (Grandma let her watch the first movie when she was 5 and that didn't go over too well.  Scared the life out of her.)  But she decided that she's ready.  I guess so.  She started last Saturday and 7 days later she's half-way through book 4.

We're still working on learning to type with DanceMat typing.  I forgot to enter it into HST so she only did it a couple of times last week.  I haven't done this week's lesson plans yet.  Hopefully, I'll remember to enter it.  =o)

She came home from piano very excited.  She's finished her book and is getting a new one.  She was practically giddy.

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