Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 32 months

Tot School

Literacy Activities

We read lots of books about the fall and focused on the letter G this week.

We finally got around to completing our F page for our ABC book.  Kayleigh painted the F with a feather and then we glued a feather on.   She wasn't much interested in doing the craft.  She does spend a lot of time looking at the book in her "spare time."   She loves it!

Kayleigh did her first poke page, from COAH.  She loved it!  
We'll be doing more of these.

G is for Gumball letter sort, also from COAH.  She had no problem
sorting "mommy" and "baby" Ggs.  She also used a pointer to teach her critters about Gg.
So cute!

Of course we had to do Gumball Spelling, from COAH.
Kayleigh always likes those.

Math Activities

We played the Roll-A-Tree Game from 2 Teaching Mommies.

I got this adorable Fall Pattern and Sequencing Card set.  It came with these fall animal counters
that Kayleigh just loves.  We did a couple of different acctivities with them.  We used some of the cards that came with the set.  Kayleigh hasn't totally grasped the concept of patterns yet but she showing progress.  If you can get her to say the pattern with you then she can usually tell you what comes next.

I also made a Fall Grid Game, modeled after the ones over at PreKinders.  You just roll a die and then cover the grid with the appropriate number of markers.  Kayleigh surprised me by recognizing some of the numbers on her own.

Of course her favorite activity was just to play pretend with the critters. LOL

The favorite of the week was Candy Corn Math.  I made four activities that we played using Autumn Candy Mix.  Sorting, graphing (for my older daughter), patterns, and a grid game.  Both girls loved it.  Especially eating some of the game pieces.

Download the printables here.

We did another visual discrimination game, also from PreKinders.  

 Motor Skills

I was excited to find my missing Music and Movement in the Classroom  cd.  I used to use it all the time as a classroom teacher and when I did a brief stint as a dance teacher.  Kayleigh had a blast dancing to "Body Rock."  The top photo is her signature move. LOL

We used halloween colored pipe cleaners for a small spaces activity.
Kayleigh said it was lemonade. LOL

She did some tonging with halloween colored pom poms and our pumpkin ice tray.

She asked to do "work" like Mackenzie so I finally broke out the Kumon Let's Color!  book
I'd bought forever ago.  I wasn't too sure how she'd do, as it involves following directions,
but she surprised me.  She even did two pages.

The girls did autumn leaf prints using toilet paper tubes that were bent into a leaf shape.  Simple and fun!   And the paintings came out adorable.  I got the idea from The Frugal Family Fun blog.

Learning Toys and other fun Stuff

We got a new toy, Alex Little Hands Button Art.  It first came across our radar when we read about it over at Caeden's Corner.  Kayleigh loves to play with it.  She just doesn't like to match the colors. LOL

Our Melissa and Doug Chalk Board made an appearance this week.

And of course, the Magneatos  came out.  She made a crown, a baby rattle, and discovered that they stick to the chalkboard.

And what could be more fun than kicking down the Melissa and Doug Nesting Blocks?

And out came this month's sensory bin.  She loves the stretchy
skeletons, which she calls scarecrows.

Check out what other tots are up to by clicking the Tot School button at the top of the page.


  1. Your week looks so bright and colorful! I love your collages with the fun labels ~ great job! I always love to see what you are up to with your girls {since I only one one ~ but am hoping for another!}. *Ü*

  2. Love your candy corn printables! I think my son will love it, if I can keep them from going in his mouth!

  3. Very cute activities!!! I love the candy corn printable. Smiley would be totally into that as well. I have to try the letter poking activity too. Definitely looks like something he would LOVE!

  4. Wow, I don't know where to start--you have so many wonderful activities! I want to do more with printables and absolutely love your leaf discrimination activity. I think I will try the autumn leaf painting with toilet paper rolls. My son always likes me to save them so he can use them like a trumpet, but this would be more fun! Hope you have a great week ;)

  5. What great ideas you have! I love the poke page and I bet Chloe would too!!

    Have a great week!

  6. Love all the fall stuff! I am hoping to add some in for our week...thanks for the great ideas:)

  7. I am just getting into Tot School, and it is exciting to see all of your great ideas! Looks like you have lots of fun at your house. :)

    Thanks so much for the comment on my blog - I visited the website you recommended and am currently downloading like crazy. What a wealth of resources!

  8. Thanks for the Candy Corn Math download! It'll work perfectly with the Halloween/Pumpkin theme I'm doing for next week! did you do those labeled collages in your post? I always struggle with pairing down pictures in my posts, so a collage of one activity would be great. Thanks!

  9. What a fun fall week you guys had! Thanks for the great ideas! We recently purchased the button art as well, my little one loves it. We can't wait to get some Magneatos.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.