Friday, October 15, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where We Bawled Like Babies

It was an interesting week here at the Beach.  I forgot to schedule science, so we didn’t do it.  We watched Beauty and the Beast at a local theater.  It was hand-down the best play they’ve ever put on.  And our history this week had us crying like babies.  LOL

We are currently studying the Civil War and reading Lincoln: A Photobiography .  (Which is absolutely FABULOUS by the way.  One of my favorite Sonlight picks ever.) 

We were reading about Lincoln’s first visit to the war-torn South after Lee’s surrender.  He was visiting the Confederacy’s capital with his son, Tad.    When they stepped off the ship the people in the streets, liberated slaves and black Union troops,  just flocked around him, filled with joy.  They were cheering, laughing, trying to shake his hand.  I was having a hard time getting though the paragraph because I was so choked up.  I, who knew what his future was,  was happy that he got to really see how he made a profound difference.

I stopped reading to see what Mackenzie thought and she said, “Wow!  He really did something amazing for those people Mommy!  Just one guy who wouldn’t give up.”   And then she burst into tears. 

And that, my friends, was all she wrote.   Can you say hysterical sobbing?

We lost it again, 3 paragraphs later, when we learned the total death toll.  Which was more than all other U.S. wars combined.  That’s just sad.

Mackenzie finished her Life of a Soldier pocket in Civil War History Pockets.   This one was jam-packed.  She learned about the MANY different styles of uniforms, what they ate, different jobs, what they slept in, the importance of letters and what they used to write them.  She was a busy girl.


She has been working on a special missions project started by Sonlight and Mission India, called My Passport to India.  It’s a fabulously easy way to get your child more “mission-minded”  and have them participate in The Great Commission.

The goal is to collect loose change that will be used to send Indian children to Bible Clubs, thus using them to touch their families lives for Christ.

Sonlight sends you a free Welcome Kit that includes a “passport” for each child and a collection bank.  For every dollar raised, Sonlight will match it, up to $167,000.

Twice a week we watch a video of  happenings in India and there is a ton of supplemental material available as well.  And you don’t have to be a Sonlight-user to participate.

Mackenzie looks forward to the videos every week and I can see how they are impacting her spiritually through her prayer-life.  They both enjoy digging through the couch cushions for loose change to put in the box.  Mackenzie has even donated quite a bit of her own money for the cause and has been doing extra chores to earn more.


I haven’t talked about math in a while.  It’s just math.  She tends to do really well despite her negative “I can’t do it” attitude before each new lesson.  This week she learned to find the area of a triangle and she was excited to learn her first math formula.  She felt cool.

For fun, we did some “Candy Corn Math”.  It was mainly for the toddler but I knew Mackenzie wouldn’t want to be left out so I developed a graphing activity for her.  So go buy a bag of Autumn Mix candy and download the printables and have some fun with your crew.


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We’re just about finished with our artist study on Mary Cassatt.  Just one more week left.  Then we’ll be moving on to a composer study on Tchaikovsky.  Just in time for our yearly stint to see the Moscow Ballet perform The Great Russian Nutcracker.  (Those tickets are burning a hole in my purse.  I want to go NOW! lol)

This week for art she made Curved-Line Bookmarks.  She had to cut strips of construction paper in a curve and layer the strips to create a bookmark.   That was a good assignment because homeschoolers can never have too many bookmarks. =o)

Be sure to visit the Weekly Wrap-Up hosted by Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers and see what everyone else has been up too. 


  1. What a fun week! I'm all about finding ways to work candy into our school day!

    A friend of mine was just telling me about that Lincoln book from Sonlight. She agreed with you! I think that is Core 4 - right? We are only in Core 3 this year.

    Anyway, sounds like a great week. Have a blessed weekend!

  2. The candy corn math is a cute idea!

  3. I like that you are making math fun with candy corn! And the ongoing missions project through Sonlight - wonderful!

  4. Awww what a great memory! Every single time we read about Martin Luther King, this happens to us. Never fails. And their were a ton of Five a Row books that did the same thing to me. LOL. What a good week.

  5. I will so add the candy corn math to our autumn lapbook activities.. the kids will love it!

    we are going to use the civil war history pocket too, but we are just getting to the revolution... so we have a few "years" to get through first. I will mark the Abe Lincoln book down to remember it!


  6. School work with candy...sounds great! The special missions project sounds like a wonderful program!

  7. I love the sonlight idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog it's allways a pleasure to see your comments. God bless.

  8. Lots of cool stuff this week!! And a real bookmark is quite a treat - we are always using scraps of paper. LOL Kennady thinks she has something really special if she has a genuine bookmark. ;-)

  9. Sounds like you had a great week! My daughter has almost daily complaints about math too, until we get into it and all goes well. Thanks for stopping by my first weekly wrap-up!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.