Friday, October 22, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where We Caught Up on Experiments…Finally

It was a good week.  Mostly because history is always so fascinating.  We love history!
We are still studying the Civil War.  It’s still fascinating and emotionally draining. 
This week we finished Lincoln: A Photobiography and Turn Homeward, Hannalee.  Both were fabulous!  And I learned tons of things that my public education and history minor didn’t teach me.  Mackenzie doesn’t know it yet, but I think I’m going to have her write a little report on Lincoln next week.  She learned so much about him that it would be nice to have a little memento about it.
We are still finishing up Across Five Aprilsand it just keeps getting more exciting.  And we just learned that it is based on a true story.  That makes it even more thrilling, and moving, for us.
We finished the Major Battles pocket in our Civil War History Pocketand have moved on to War Technology.  It coincides nicely with what we read after Lincoln, The Monitor and Merrimac.   That was a quick book about a very life-changing battle.
Mackenzie also started reading Shades of Gray which is about the struggles people faced after the war.  So far she says it’s awesome and has, naturally, read ahead.   She pretty much says that about every Sonlight book. LOL
We were playing experiment catch up in science, Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the 5th Day ,  this week.  We hadn’t done any of the experiments for lesson four because we needed a cow bone and more bird seed.  But we finally got them finished.
So are first experiment involved comparing a cow bone and a chicken bone.  We observed, measured, weighed, etc.
And we are testing a hypothesis regarding a birds color preference.  We placed food in a blue dish and a red dish.  Mackenzie says that they’ll be more attracted to the food in the red dish.   So far they don’t like either. LOL  Kind of like our bird bathes that they hated.
DSC_0069redo DSC_0068redo
And we did a little more candy corn math, just for fun.  And a sugar high.
Be sure to pop on over to the Weekly Wrap-Up, hosted by Jamie this week.


  1. I have not read The Wheel on the School. Would it be appropriate for an 8 & 6 year old?

    Sounds like you've had a great week as well. We just got back from a trip to KY. We stopped at all of the places where Lincoln lived as a boy. I'll have to post photos on my blog and let you know when it's up.

  2. LOVE the color preferences with the bird feeders! How funny! If they were at our house they would be gone! (squirrels) Thanks for sharing! Kerri

  3. We enjoy history as well. As a child, I was fascinated with the Civil War era, and I think that is what started my love of history...
    Looks like a great week!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

  4. Lots of fun activities. Looks like a great week.

  5. I am glad to hear about your history and literature lessons. It's exciting to hear about the great books in our near future.

  6. Sounds like you had a busy, but great week!

  7. Love history over here too! We are working on a review of Creation to Modern Day. Next year my plan is to cover US History. :o)


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