Saturday, July 10, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 29 months old
Tot School

Hello fellow Tot Schoolers. I hope you had a great week, or two. We missed last week. Too busy with life to get my post up. =o) So today's post might be a little longer because we have two weeks to cover.

We did some fun activities to celebrate the Fourth of July. First we made "fire works." You can read about it HERE.

Then we made a yummy Fourth of July treat. Edible Sparklers.

All you need is pretzel rods, marshmallow fluff (or vanilla frosting), and red and blue sprinkles.

First you dip one end of the pretzel in the fluff.

Then you roll the "fluffed" end in a plate of red and blue sprinkles.

That's it. You're done! Now you eat it. How easy is that?

We went to visit my dad, in Small Town, NC, and watched fireworks. It was Kayleigh's first time seeing them. She was at home in bed for the previous two holidays. She is still talking about them.

We attended the all important Croakerfest parade and fair. A big deal in Small Town, NC.

Now on to things of a more "Tot Schooly" variety.

We practiced spooning jewels with a long spoon.

We tried a new fine motor activity that Kayleigh LOVED. I gave her a sponge, a dog dish, a bit of water and let her have at it. She must have done this a hundred times that week. Thank you Shannon, for this great idea!!!

We practiced numbers with a printable from COAH review set. I gave her some tongs and pom poms to complete the activity. This one didn't last very long. She got frustrated trying to get the pom poms into the right spot using the tongs. Maybe the tongs weren't such a great idea. LOL Note to self: No tongs when precision is required. =o) Next time we'll use our fingers.

We practiced with out scissors. She's still a long way from mastering this skill. Even with our Fiskars Pre-School Spring Action Scissors. Maybe because she doesn't want my advice? LOL She likes to keep trying though.

We had fun dancing to our Brainy Baby Sing-Along Songs CD with our Play Scarves.

We found another neat activity from Shannon's Tot School called "Does it Fit?" Kayleigh had a lot of fun testing objects to see if they'd fit in the paper towel tube.

We also did a fun shape recognition activity that you can check out HERE.

Lastly we played with our Brainy Baby Snap Cards. I just pulled out a few colors so she wouldn't be overwhelmed. She was underwhelmed. She did two puzzles and then took off. LOL

And I have to give a thank you to Carisa for hooking me up with Tumblr. It's been so great with helping organize fun activities that I find on blogs. It's made it so much easier for me to give credit to those creative moms who come up with a lot of the great ideas that Kayleigh loves. I'm happier when I'm being polite. =o)

Be sure to check out what the other tot's have been up to over at Carisa's


  1. Thanks for the links. So funny we cross posted to each other unintentionally. :)

  2. Hi, I am stopping over from Tot School. A little hint I read about in regards to the one to one corresponding activity with the tongs. A good starting off point, instead of the tongs (my daughter still has trouble with them) is to use a strawberry huller. I have also used mini tart papers (like cupcake papers only smaller) for the girls to tong into so the pompoms will stay. You could look under my "counting" label. Here is the link to the specific post:

  3. Love your ideas! I will have to write some of these down to do with my Tot. Looks like you all had a wonderful holiday weekend too!

  4. I too have let life get in the way of tot school posts! I am glad to be reading up on your blog again.

  5. I love the what fits activity. So simple, but yet I would never come up with it on my own! I have been MIA from Tot School too. I have a hard time finding time to put together a post!

  6. She is super cute! I'm going to have to try the sponge activity. Looks like fun.

  7. Great activities. My son is a little younger than your daughter (27 months) but I struggle to get him to sit down and do things like this so I think your little girl is doing great!

  8. What great ideas- she is so cute with her big smiles... & what a great idea with the sponge!

  9. Ha ha, this is EXACTLY how Smiley holds his scissors as well. I've tried to show him a few times, but he keeps holding them this way, lol. LOVE the pretzel treat. Looks so yummy. We will have to try that :)


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