Thursday, July 8, 2010

Stamping Shapes

I saw this great letter recognition activity, over on The Activity Mom's site, that I just LOVED. Except that Kayleigh isn't really working on letter recognition just yet. We're still in the exposure stage. Although she will be working more purposefully on that in the late summer/fall.

So I decided to revamp it to fit Kayleigh's learning needs. So I changed it into a shape activity.

I made a layout with shapes instead of letters and printed it out twice. One for the board and one to cut into pieces. I put the pieces into a bowl.

Kayleigh drew a shape out of the bowl and then would stamp all the similar shapes with Do-A-Dot markers. She really enjoyed this and did a great job. Only a couple of times did she get ornery and try her "Kayleigh mind games." LOL

In fact, one color wasn't good enough. She wanted to use them all. So we picked a different color for every shape, with only one repeat.

I'm also thinking about laminating a board and letting her use dry erase markers to mark them off. You could also cover the shapes with stickers instead of stamps. I plan on using this activity for number recognition also.
I actually remembered to save my work this time so I can share. You can download the page by clicking HERE.


  1. That is such a great idea. I like the idea of using the dry erase markers.

    Your fan,

    Cathy @ The Attached Mama

  2. Do you have a template that we can print from?

    Awesome idea!


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