Saturday, July 10, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

Well it's been a couple of weeks since I've "wrapped-up" but we're not actually doing school so there hasn't been much to say. LOL I'm late with the wrap-up, again, and wasn't even going to post but I did a post for Kayleigh and didn't want Mackenzie to feel slighted.

We went to visit my dad over the fourth and enjoyed some small town life. And we even did a few patriotic activities at home.

We made a fireworks craft that Mackenzie enjoyed. You can view that HERE.

The girls made edible "sparklers" using pretzel rods, marshmallow fluff, and patriotic sprinkles.

Since I'm feeling too lazy to take the time to post individual pictures of our weekend, you'll have to squint at these scrapbook pages I made. Sorry. LOL

Be sure to check out what everyone else is up to over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Wow, my kids love anything with marshmallow - I can see those sparklers in our near future!

  2. Love the edible sparklers - what a great idea!!

  3. I love the homemade sparklers!! Where did you come up with that? Great idea :)


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