Saturday, July 7, 2012

There's a Heat Wave Burning in my...Town and Probably Yours

I can't speak for where you live but here, in my neck of the woods, it's hot. Unbearably, record setting, miserably hot. Just walking from the house to the car results in extreme sweating. We are not enjoying it.

Normally, we spend our summer in the water. We hit our community pool, play with water guns, hitting the splash pads at the zoo or botanical gardens, Water Country USA, and occasionally the beach. Unfortunately, with this extreme heat, these activities are not providing much relief. Paddling around in a warm pool is not as refreshing as one would hope. Or at all.

So it looks like we will have to look toward some indoor activities and hit some of our favorite museums to beat the heat. This will be a little painful for us because we generally avoid places like this during the summer. Summer means traditional schools are out. That means our favorite haunts are jam packed and, as homeschoolers, we have been spoiled by being able to enjoy these places when they are basically empty. But when the temperatures are 100+...sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do.

So good bye warm water and hello air conditioning. As long as this heat wave continues you will most likely find us indoors at the Children's Museum, Art Museum, or the Living Museum enjoying their A/C.

How are you and your family beating the extreme heat this summer? I could use some more suggestions. =o)

Check out how my Crew Mates are beating this heat by clicking on the Blog Cruise Button. The link will go live on Tuesday July 11.


  1. I love the photos that you share! I have chosen your blog as one of my top 15 "One Lovely Blog" awards. If I am the first to present you with this award, please check out my post on how to claim it -

  2. We are having the opposite problem around here. We are lucky if we get more then three days in a row without rain! But I am from Arizona so I feel your pain. :)

  3. We either go to the state park pool or we stay inside!


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