Friday, July 6, 2012

Preschool, Kayleigh Style

Pretty, Pretty Guam
First of all, it's still ridiculously hot here. It's like living in Guam again only the beaches are not even on the same planet as far as beauty goes.  And they're too crowded here. But it's alright because we haven't  ventured near the beach this year, except for a photo shoot for a friend.

I'm sure we will head to one of the local beaches at least once since poor, deprived Kayleigh never got to enjoy the spectacular beaches of Guam. But first we have to unearth the sand toys that are buried somewhere in the garage.  Until then she'll just have to make do with the pool at the end of our street.

Assuming that they bothered to put chlorine in the water for a change. We went there last week, with guests, and never got a toe in the water. Suddenly the whistle blew and every one had to get out of

the water. The health department shut down the pool because there wasn't any chlorine in it. I wonder how many days this had been going on. Good thing the health department made a surprise visit. Maybe if these over paid life guards stopped flirting with each other then they might have time for mundane activities like taking care of the pool. =o) Just a thought. And would you believe that those brainiac lifeguards were not going to give me back the money that I paid for my guests who never got to set a toe in the water? I'm sure you can figure out who won that battle. lol

Apparently chlorine isn't as high a priority for our life-
guards as it is for the health department.

Since I shared what Mackenzie is using next year, I thought I'd share my plans for Kayleigh. Of course all plans for Kayleigh are loose plans because Kayleigh is...well, she's Kayleigh. You never know what she'll wind up doing until she does it. She'll pester you to do "homework" like Sissy until you give her some. Then she wants nothing to do with it. lol

At any rate, if does want some "homework", I'm ready.


Raising Rock Stars Preschool memory verses. We're going to go through all of the verses again, without all of the other stuff.  My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God's Word in Little Hearts is the spine for the memory work. Such a cute book. She always looks forward to it.

Sonlight P 4/5: We'll be using the Family-Time Bible in Pictures along with  Right Choices. They removed that book from the core but it was a family favorite so I'm adding it back in. And I highly recommend the Family-Time Bible for little ones. Both my girls ADORE this Bible. So much so that I had to buy another one for Kayleigh because the first one wore out from so much use.


Sonlight P 4/5

We already owned this core but I updated it so that Kayleigh didn't get left out of the fun of new school books. The new titles look great but there are a couple that were removed and we'll be adding them back in. A Family Treasury of Little Golden Books comes to mind. It was one of Mackenzie's all-time favorites. It was also one that was complained about a lot on the Sonlight forums. lol We've always seemed to like the ones that nobody else did.

The core also includes science reading so our "science" will be include here. Mackenzie will be studying swimming creatures this year so I'm going to let Kayleigh sit in on some of those activities too.
I think she might like creating an ocean diorama with the other kids.


Family Math for Young Children will provide our main math activities. Lots of fun inside of there.

Mathematical Reasoning, Kayleigh picked this out of the Critical Thinking catalog. It looked like fun so I said yes. We'll see how that goes.

We also have Mackenzie's old Math-U-See Primer lying around so we might try some of those activities. She can handle the counting and shape activities but she probably won't be ready for the place value, adding, time lessons until next year. I would like to introduce her to the blocks. Odds are that I'll forget all about this until next year. lol

Language & Reading

All About Reading level pre-1, We are just about finished with the first half with the first half of the program. The second half starts delving into more of the phonics aspect. She pretty much has all of the sounds down so this will be great reinforcement for her.

We'll continue our sight word work with You Can Read from 1+1+1=1.

Language Lessons for Little Ones, I read about it over on Delightful Learning.  Everything she does in her homeschool looks fabulous to me and I was really interested in the picture study and narration portion of this program.  Kayleigh loves looking a paintings and I'd love for her to be better at narrating then her sister we'll see how it goes. I probably will skip the handwriting aspect of the program because I am partial to Handwriting Without Tears but I'm very excited about the rest.

That reminds me, that I have Handwriting Without the Tears, Get Set for School. I just bought another copy of the workbook because I already own a large portion of the manipulatives. Wooden letter pieces...check. Mat...check. CD...check. Slate...check. Large slate...check. Stamp & See Screen...check. Roll-a-Dough set...check. Flip Crayons...check.

The Get Ready for the Code books are lying around the house too. She really, really, really loves these and she does page after page in one sitting. They might be finished before the new school year starts. Well except for the handwriting pages. We skip those.


I totally forgot that Kayleigh is finally old enough to take a class at our local homeschool music school. She is so excited to get to take a preschool music class this year. She finally gets to join in instead of just spending hours waiting for her sister's classes to finish.

So what are you using with your little ones?

P.S. I'm giving a way a TruthQuest History Guide, Middle Ages. ENTER TO WIN.


Linking to Preschool Corner, The Weekly Wrap-Up, Back-to-School Monday, Blessed Beyond a Doubt, and The Homeschool Mother's Journal


  1. My 1st time stopping by and you have a great looking blog. Love the title also. I live with giggly girls! haha I would take any beach over our muddy rivers in kansas but I have heard that Guam is beautiful. I have some cousins that live there. Have a good week.

  2. It is defintaly HOT out there! Sounds like you had a great week I enjoyed reading through it.

  3. CUTE photo with her reading with her shades on. :)

    And isn't it fun planning? I always like that part. It's been mighty HOT here, too!

  4. Aw! Isn't she adorable reading in her shades! But ((cringe)) on the pool, huh? Yuck! I hope they get it cleaned up and ready for use again!

  5. I hear ya, heat without the beautiful beach is just no fun!

    Looks like Kaleigh is going to have a great year!

  6. New follower here, from Susan Godfrey's Finding Beauty on the Homeschool linkup! Nice to meet you!

    What a blessing to be able to use the SL cores! We are studying middle ages (yes, I'm going to go enter your giveaway!) using Mystery of History and Illuminations by the same publisher. We're also fans of MUS!

    I have boys, and one almost-2yo girl - will be fun to see how it is so different with a household of girls instead. :)

  7. Oh, I had the Treasury of Little Golden Books too! I'm saving it for Grandkids.

  8. We love SL P 4/5 too! They've changed a lot, but I still use the old version with my old theme schedule. We have a lot of fun. Looks like you have a great year lined up.

  9. I don't have any littles any more :( but it looks like you've chosen some great resources for the coming year :) Love the photo with the sunglasses- stylin'. Stopping by from the Comment Club ;)

  10. What fun things! You are so organized for your preschooler... I love the Family Math books- we use those all the time! visiting from the comment club. Have a great day!

  11. Again, you seem so organized. I'll be finalizing details for our fall plans soon.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.