Friday, April 5, 2013

Ultimate Blog Party

Ultimate Blog Party 2013It's time for the annual Ultimate Blog Party Link-Up from 5 Minute Moms.  What is the Blog Party? Just an easy way to "meet" other blogger mommies and make new friends.

It's easy to join. Just write a quick post about yourself and your blog and link-up. Easy Peasy!!

Who Am I?

I am Stefanie, wife to Kevin, homeschooling mommy to Mackenzie (12) and Kayleigh (5), daughter of the King.  I am also fluent in sarcasm, so read on with caution. ;)

In a previous life I used to love reading, blogging, photography, and digital scrapbooking. Then type 1 diabetes entered my life in a big way when both of my daughters were diagnosed with it within two months of each other.  I still love those things but homeschooling, on top of being a full time pancreas for two extra people, is incredibly time consuming so I don't get to do them as often as I'd like.

Why Do I Blog?

 photo pig2_zps42f4c1b6.jpgIt started as a way to keep our family in touch with Mackenzie's life when we were stationed in Guam for three years. (Former military family here.)  It then evolved into an online scrapbook of our homeschooling adventures for my daughters.

These days I continue to blog about our homeschooling, product reviews for The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew, and, most importantly, a peek into what life with type 1 diabetes is like. It's my goal to make more people aware of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes as well as clear up the misconceptions between type 1 and type 2. 

So welcome to my corner of the blogosphere!!  I hope you'll stay and check it out.



  1. I love that you're "fluent in sarasm" :)
    Thanks for stopping by my site! It's nice to meet another homeschooling family with girls!

  2. so nice to meet you!

    Just dropping by from the #UBP13. You have a terrific blog here. Looking forward to getting to know you better! I hope you find the time to stop by my site. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Former military family here too! Happy Monday evening! Swinging by with a little #UBP13 love. Hope you'll have a few minutes to stop in and say hello, too!

  4. Stopping by from the UBP13. I have 2 five year old daughters, we have something in common when it comes to giggly girls :) Really like the printables section on your blog, thanks!

    A Table for Five

  5. Hi, I found you through UBP13. I'm kind of a newb to blogging, but I'm loving it so far. I'm an educator, former foster parent (for kids with emotional, physical, and mental disabilities) and adoptive dad of two kiddos with special needs. It's been great reaching out, talking to, and hopefully helping other families! My whole blog is all about learning to learn and helping families succeed using brain-based practices. Come check it out. I think you will like it!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.