Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April Fools

Mother Nature played an April Fool's trick on us this year.  On April Fool's day we had a beautiful day with a balmy 73 degrees. Bee-you-tee-ful!!!! The trick was that the lovely weather was for one day only. Spring is over again. lol

But since it was warm out, and Grandma and Grandpa were in town, we headed out to Williamsburg to enjoy the sunshine.  So here's our trip in pictures. We brought Grandmas dog and he wasn't welcome in those buildings any more than he was welcome in our house. lol (He stayed with Uncle Donnie, or Uncle Doggie, as Kayleigh calls him. Now we know why. lol) So walked around and enjoyed the wonderful weather.

Weasley drank puddle water and lived to tell the tale. An April Fool's Miracle!  
Authentic Colonial Bamboo Forest????

The highlight of the trip was the 110 year old tree that my kids loved climbing. We spent most of our time there by the tree. lol My girls had the best time. I guess sometimes they can be easy to please.



  1. I want to go there someday, looks so beautiful! Spring is coming for real, just hang in there!

  2. I am so jealous. Williamsburg is one of those vacation destinations we would love to visit. That is a fantastic pic of your little girl in the tree.


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