Friday, February 3, 2012

TOS Review: Math Rider

 We were recently given the opportunity to review a fun math game for kids.  Drilling math facts is never my daughter's first choice for entertainment but playing on Math Rider made certainly took the sting out of this previously dreaded task.

About Math Rider

Math Rider is an intelligent math game created to help students quickly master their basic math facts.

From the creators:

Ride your horse on noble quests through the magical MathLands. MathRider combinesfun math game play with a highly sophisticated question engine that adapts to your child. The game propels your child to mastery of all four math operations using numbers 0 to 12 in record time.

Your student, and their trusty horse Shadow, are invited to go on a magical quest through the MathLands in order to rescue Princess Fairblossom.  Practicing their math facts will quickly become a much anticipated activity.

Your child can choose a quest involving one of the four math operations.  Each operation contains four quests ranging from easy to master.  Each quest consists of 30 hurdles.  To jump the hurdles your child must correctly answer a math problem.  The horse will jump as slowly or quickly as your child answers the questions.  If they miss a question the horse will stop and the question will be read out loud.

At the end of the quest, your child earns a reward.  The rewards vary depending on the quest and the quest level.  Your child's success with the game depends solely on their ability to answer the questions correctly.  There are no fancy controls or timing involved. All they need to do is type in the answer and hit enter. This is a plus for younger children and those who have under-developed fine motor control.  

Our Experience

My daughter is one of those children who run the other way when she hears the word math.  It doesn't matter that she's pretty good at it, it is at the bottom of her list of things she'd want to be doing.  That being said, she LOVES this game.  She willingly played it every day and even played it during her free time on the computer.  That is high praise.

She was a little put off when she started her second quest because the storyline was the same.  But when she finished the quest and saw a different reward pop up in her little kingdom, she was thrilled.  She didn't care about the storyline any more, she has been completing quest after quest to add to her kingdom.

She did have one suggestion for the game.  She would've liked the ability to customize her character and her horse.  Other than she was a happy camper.  She is still playing this daily, even though we are finished with the review.

There is also plenty of feedback for the parents to check and see how their students are doing.  There is an easy to read number table that shows at a glance what the student needs to work on.

We would definitely recommend this program to elementary students and even for middle school students who need to work on math facts.  It is super fun and very user friendly.  My ten year old daughter was able to set up her quests without any input from me.

It's also great for families with a slower Internet connection, as it is not played online.  Just download it once and you are off.  And it works on Windows and MAC operating systems.


Ages: 6-12
Pricing: $37 through February 15.  After the $15 it goes up to $47.
Try it FREE for 7 days.

To learn more watch this video

Click the Crew Banner to see what my Crew Mates have to say.

Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this product for review purposes.  All opinions are my own.


1 comment:

  1. I decided to try the free trial for my kids and it is fun. My daughter loves horses.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.