Wednesday, February 1, 2012

TOS Review: KinderBach


My youngest daughter, Kayleigh, has pretty much spent most of her life waiting for her sister while she took lessons of one kind or another.  She's sat through endless sports events and quite a few piano recitals.  She's been counting down the days until she's old enough to take music lessons like her big sister.

When we received word that we were going to be reviewing KinderBach at Home, that day came a little bit sooner.  Boy was Kayleigh excited!

About Kinderbach

Kinderbach is an online piano program for children ages 3-7 years of age.  It's also available on DVD and is compatible with the iPad.  KinderBach uses fun characters to teach rhythm, note reading, and singing.

There are 60 weeks worth of lessons available and they are broken down into four sessions a week.  They use a variety of materials to engage all types of learners.  Lessons include fun videos, learning games, and hands on pages to cement the learning.  The curriculum is even aligned with the MENC standards for pre-k learning.

Our Experience

This program is so easy to use that even a non-musical person like me can handle it.  There is very little teacher prep.  All I really have to do is print the learning pages and start the videos.  It is really that simple.

As for Kayleigh, she loved it!  I printed a few weeks worth of learning pages and put them in a notebook for her and she was thrilled to pieces.  Now she had a music book just like her big sister.  She loves to remove her sisters piano books from the keyboard stand and place
hers there. LOL

She enjoyed watching the videos and playing games with Karri.  She really thought it was cool  when we'd play the lessons on our iPad while she was sitting at the keyboard.

The learning pages have been fun and engaging for  her.  Most of the time there are meant to be completed as you watch the video.  And not only was she learning piano and music from them, she was also working on things like colors and counting.  It's always a plus to a homeschool mom when you can piggy back the learning.  She also got to do activities involving other instruments, usually ones that you could make.  We had a lot of stuff lying around the house that she was able to use.

Kayleigh definitely gives it two thumbs up!  So does mom!  


Ages: 3-7
Price: Online lessons as low as $7.99 per month and DVD sets starting at $40.45

KinderBach has generously offered a coupon code that gives 30% off any order - homeschool, classroom, online or DVDs. AND it is good for one year! Expires 2-2-2013.

Coupon Code:  TOScrew2012 

Click on the Crew banner to see what others have to say about this great program.

Disclaimer: I received a 3 month trial of KinderBach for review purposes.  All opinions are my own.  And my daughters.


1 comment:

We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.