Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tot School: The One with Christmas and an Unfortunate Incident

Kayleigh is 3.75 years old

I know, I know...I have been a slacker blogger lately.  Life has been crazy busy and I just haven't been doing it.  I've been spending my evenings working on my December Daily book instead of blogging.  Not to mention adding more and more lights to our house because we're trying to keep up with the Jones' across the street.  For real.  Little Jones keeps coming over and talking smack about Christmas lights.  lol

Kayleigh has been working on Christmas School.  When she feels like it.  We've been picking and choosing activities from various Christmas Tot/Pre-k packs and a wonderful advent ebook called Truth in the Tinsel.   

Here's some of her happenings.  In no particular order.

She has had a "break through" in her writing skills.  By breatk through I mean that she finally decided to do what I wanted, and knew, she could do.  Instead of scribbling all over the lines she finally just sat down and traced them.  

The trick was to put them in page protectors and give her dry erase markers.  She has been writing and erasing for hours on end.  Over and over and over.  But now I don't have a paper to put in her preschool binder as a keepsake.  At least not yet.  I'm determined to get her to do one page on the actual paper so I can save it.  Anyone want to wager on how long that will take me?  LOL


Her she is working on her first Truth in the Tinsel craft.
I think it came out so cute.  She spent another hour just glueing tissue strips onto paper.  I'm not sure what her fascination was with them but it kept her quiet while I worked with her older sister.  That's always a blessing.

Here she is working on a puzzle from one of our many tot packs.

I got this puzzle from Oriental Trading for $5.  She loves it and has done it dozens of times.  This is the first time she's done this type of jigsaw puzzle and I was pleasantly surprised at how well she did with it.
These navity finger puppets are also from Oriental Trading.  They were a big hit too.

Here she is finding the one that is different.  She is getting really good with these and rarely needs any kind of help completing them.  She calls pages like this her "homework."  Because, as homeschoolers, we talk about homework all the time. I blame Disney and Nick Jr. lol

She received a letter for Santa in the mail.  If you knew her well you'd understand why she looks a little nervous.  Thankfully for her, I think Santa spikes his egg nog because she somehow, by the skin of her teeth, wound up on the good list.  That is what happens when you hit the nog too hard.  

Another Truth in the Tinsel craft.  She was supposed to be paint a crown.  As you can see below, the crown wasn't the only thing she painted.  Yet she freaks out if we try and paint her nails with nail polish.

Eventually they finished them though.  

She was worried about Rudolph's soul so she grabbed a few Bibles and they had a study session.  She drilled that poor reindeer for days.  He is now an expert on the serpent in the Garden of Eden and the birth of Jesus.  Those are her favorite stories from the Bible. I think it's moments like this that keep her on the nice list.

We made these angel ornaments from The Truth in the Tinsel.  By we made, I mean I made.  Jamming the pipe cleaners and the folded paper into the bell was not an easy task.  Therefore I received the honors.  They wound stringing bells on to pipe cleaners so that Clarisse and Rudolph would have collars.

They also made Mary ornaments.  It was a little stressful for me because it involved glitter glue.  Shudder!!!

We hit the Scholastic Warehouse sale.  Kayleigh was more interested in eating her snack but I managed to get her to spend a few minutes choosing some books.

She helped sissy make some French cookies called "columbe."  I believe it means dove.  Kayleigh was in charge of putting on the eyes.

Then later that evening, we had this unfortunate incident.  ROFL

A bit of a fit led to her making herself throw up, on her daddy, which led to daddy gagging too, which led to me laughing hysterically as I grabbed my camera.  I promise that I helped after I got the shot.  

The girls made a little candy.

And watched a Christmas movie with Daddy.

And we had our church's Christmas play.  Kayleigh played, oh so fittingly, a donkey.  So perfect and so right. LOL  Here she is with her class singing a little something special for you.


  1. How adorable! She sounds a like my little guy!! Thanks for stopping by Reading Confetti!

  2. I love the idea of the December Daily book! GOOD for you! I hope you will share pics! lol about keeping up with the Jones. . . you'd win if you lived across the street from me, LOL. :D

  3. What a great week with the writing and the puzzles! The song was super cute!

  4. Aw, she's too cute NOT to make the Good List! LOL

    How wonderful on the writing! Sam was like that for a while, but he would get tired of the same sheet over and over. When he wanted to move on I had him do a final write without the protector, pulled it and slipped in something else.

    Beautiful tree! As the kids say...our looks like a Charlie Brown tree this year! I don't know if that's good or bed, but it is small and disheveled looking! LOL

  5. What a fun song!! I made a pre-writing notebook for my son, (mazes, dot-to-dot, letter and number tracing) and put the pages in page protectors since he loves dry erase markers, and I just change the pages out occasionally. He loves it.

    Thanks for stopping by Mom's Heart!


  6. What is it with kids and page protectors and dry erase markers? My kids love them too. I love how she has a Bible study with Rudolph - too cute!

  7. Hehe, yep, our tots are definitely in the same place. Oh my goodness, how funny!

    I love how your Truth in the Tinsel crafts turned out. They are so cute!

  8. I love your truth in the tinsel crafts, especially the first one. Your daughter sounds like a firecracker but is oh so cute!!!

  9. What great things you are all doing! Very fun to read about. I will have to look at the Tinsel - I have been bad about doing the same old things again this year. I love those ornaments:) The kids are adorable!


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