Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December Daily 2011

Somebody was asking me about about my December Daily book that I mentioned in my last post.  It is the brain child of digital designer Ali Edwards. Basically it’s just a small photo/scrap book documenting the holidays.  You can read about it on her site.   Her books are a cross between traditional scrapping and digital.  Plus they are absolutely fabulous.  I try not to let her awesomeness sway me from attempting this.  I’m not even in the same scrapbooking galaxy as she is. 

I do mine entirely digitally.  This year I am mainly using quick album pages with some tweaking to suit my needs.  I just don’t have the time to do them from “scratch” this year. 

Last year, I printed out the pages myself and made the cover.  It was really cute considering I made it. lol I was also able to add in programs, letters from Santa, tickets, and such.   This year I’m planning on printing it as a shutterfly photo book, so the doodads will have to go into my project life binder.  I’m okay with that.

Here’s what I’ve done so far. 


Almost halfway there. Woot!

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