Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where it Seems Like We're Still in the Military

I know, it's been a couple of weeks.  Getting this done by Friday is hard.  I need to partition this hard drive and get Windows on there so I can use Live Writer again.  I miss having my template.

At any rate, this week was a review of sorts.  A review of what it's like to be a military family.  Kevin retired back in June so he's been home.  All the time.  That is sort of weird.  But he had his first civilian trip for work so off he went to Germany.   Mackenzie didn't take it well.

Being the kind and loving mother that I am, I asked, "What are you crying for?   Is it because we don't get to tag along?  He's only going to be gone a month.  That barely counts as a nusiance."   On the bright  side, I got this picture with my phone for my Project Life album.  =o)

In other news of the school variety...

We got around to doing some art via I Can Do All Things.  We were working on dip painting.  We have a bit more trouble with it than our instructor but it was still fun.   We're not certain how his painting came out so colorful and ours came out...brownish/blackish/grayish.  LOL

She's plugging along in Math-U-See Delta .  She's bigger and better division problems.  She does great when she writes neatly and pays attention.  Sadly, sometimes it's too messy to be read or she forgets to write down remainders. LOL  Only 7 lessons left for the year!

History is just wonderful.  We've been studying the Great Depression.  I'm not saying that was wonderful but the books we've been reading have been.  We just finished A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt and it was just fabulous!  It really gave you a feel for what it was like to live during that time.  And it was based on the a true story.  We got some more background on the period from The Story of the U.S.A. Book 3 and The Landmark History of the American People.

Mackenzie is reading Gone-Away Lake  and rereading Meet Kit: An American Girl 1934  and of course we had to watch the movie, Kit Kittredge: An American Girl.  Even though it varies from the books somewhat. we never get tired of that movie.  Definitely the best of all the AG movies.

Our current read aloud is Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry.  Talk about a book that evokes emotion.  Shew!  Not surprising that Sonlight picked this book.  It's the story of a struggling African American family living in the deep south during the 1930s.  It's hard to put down.  If only my voice could hold out longer we'd already be finished with it.

Language Arts still consists of Spelling PowerFirst Language Lessons Level 4 , and  Writing with Ease Level 3.  We're spelling more difficult words, diagramming more complicated sentences, and finally making some progress with narration.  She tends to give too much detail while managing to not get to the point/main idea/summary of the selection. It's a gift. LOL

She received her piece for her piano recital two weeks ago.  A miniature Sonatina by Joseph Kuffner.  I don't know exactly what a sonatina is, miniature or full-sized, but she has mastered it and memorized it.  I was hoping that she'd come out of class this week with something different to play, because I like a variety, but no luck. LOL  So I ordered her Alfred's Basic Piano Library: Recital Book because I really do need to listen to something else once in a while.  And it only has songs that use skills she knows so there shouldn't be any "it's too hard."

She did a little home ec in the form of baking some treats for my friends and I who were having a movie night.  =o)

Oh, I almost forgot...I started ordering next year's curriculum and it's started arriving.  We're using Exploring Creation Human Anatomy for science.  It arrived. We're excited to make an edible cell.  I'll do a more in depth post about next year's choices one of these days. 

And that was our week.  Be sure to pop over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschooler's blog to see other write ups.


  1. Looks like a full week! And we can sympathize with missing dad! :(
    Some of our new curriculum came, but I've avoided looking at it because I know I'll want to focus on that and not on finishing this year! Can't wait to read about your new curriculum.

  2. I know what you mean about needing to hear new music sometimes. My daughter has 5 songs in her dance recital this year and I find myself singing them all the time. Hope the missing dad blues aren't too bad.

  3. ((K)) I'm sure it's rough when Dad goes away, especially after he's been home for a while. Looks like she had a GREAT week though! I decided on Apologia Astronomy next year rather than buying Anatomy. Next NEXT year, right? LOL


  4. I bet it's hard when daddy leaves. Mine go bonkers when daddy works three 24 hour shifts in a row, I can't imagine him being gone longer than that. You are a strong momma. :) I dread starting Delta with my son. He's can't seem to wrap his head around multiplication. (sigh)

  5. i think your blog and template are great! we also use the art from How Great Thou Art, and we enjoy it very much. the exploring creation is a favorite of ours. i have boys that just LOVE science!!

    we are a military family and i understand the short separations, but those can get challenging, really. not long enough to get a groove, but long enough for kids to feel unbalanced. hang in there, a month will fly by quickly ;-)


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