Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tot School: Kayleigh's first Sonlight core

Kayleigh is 37 months old
Tot School

We had a really productive week this week.  Turning three must have done something for my uncooperative miss. LOL  And no potty accidents!

This week we "worked" on the letter K, LOTW from Confessions of a Homeschooler, and some St. Patty's day stuff from 2 Teaching Mommies.

Sorting Kk~COAH

Roll-A-Kite~COAH~Our first time trying this and she sure loved it!

Paint Can Color Matching left over from my days as a PS teacher

Do-a-Dot Kk~COAH~One day I hope to get her to just stamp the dots so we can see the  letters. LOL

Kk Poke Page. Always a favorite!~COAH
Kite Patterning~COAH

She's really getting the hang of patterns
The highlight of our week...Kayleigh's first Sonlight Box Day!  Sonlighters look forward to that 40# box of great books.  Sadly, this is her only real box day.  Since Sonlight is almost totally reusable, she'll be using Mackenzie's old cores.  She got lucky that they added in Core p3/4 long after Mackenzie was too old.

Hooray!  Books just for Kayleigh.

It's as much fun as a Christmas present.

"Big Gwil Books"

A bottemless box of good reading.

Let's Color~Kumon

K magnet page~COAH

She's finally starting to get the hang of our Fisher-Price Fun-2-Learn Computer Cool School.  She's not really had the time on the computer like Mackenzie used to so she has had a hard time with the mouse.  She finally figured out how to work the pen on her "computer."

A Kite with Pattern Blocks~COAH~She's never been much for following the plan so I was really pleased that she decided to do this as intended. LOL

A few days later, she was still digging through that Sonlight box.  The Bible seems to be her favorite.


Mega Blocks are always fun!

Her first time playing Candyland.  She skunked us.

St. Patricks Day pre-writing~2TM~She's really getting good at staying on the lines.

How Many Coings?~2TM

St. Patrick's Day Size sorting~2TM

Clover "Spelling"~2TM

Pot 'O Gold Roll and Count, with stickers~2TM

Tada! All finished!

And that was our week!  Be sure to  click the Tot School button at the top of the page to visit other Tot Schools.


  1. Happy Box Day!

    And, yes, the lack of subsequent Box Days is one of the "problems" created by Sonlight's reusable Cores [smile].


  2. Way cool that she got her own SL Box Day! Holden did the first half of PK 3/4 this year and will do the second half starting in June. He has really enjoyed it so far. We've blended it with Abeka Nursery Curriculum for some hands-on stuff, which has totally taught him colors and numbers and counting and that kind of stuff. So I like the marriage of the two. Great stories from SL and lots of colorful worksheets and art projects from Abeka. It's been a fun year!

  3. I really like the paint can color matching - it looks really cute. :)

  4. We got our big box of P 3/4 books a few weeks ago. So true that the younger siblings don't get those box moments too often! We love all of the new books. We were reading the Eloise Wilkins stories this morning and they are so sweet.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.