Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tot School

Tot School

Tot School was slightly better this week.  She didn't want to do it with any regularity but she did do a few activities.  And now I don't have to switch out too many activities so less work for me. LOL

She went to her buddy, Holden's 3rd birthday, and gorged on cupcakes.

Played this mitten color match game.  She breezed through it.  In 3.5 seconds.  I made it last year and can't remember where I got it.  Sorry.  =o(

Spooned "snowballs" into our snowman ice cube tray.  She said she was feeding them.  She did use this a lot this week, but only once as intended.  The rest of the week she stirred them for hours and dumped them on the floor. 

She played a lot with our Handwriting Without Tears chalkboard.  Mainly squeaking the chalk and driving Mackenzie and I batty. LOL

We tried out the Guidecraft Geometric Counting Cylinders that she got for Christmas.  She found different ways to work with them.  Much more creative than what those Guidecraft people had in mind. LOL  

Side Note:  After seeing her buddy turn 3, Kayleigh has decided not to.  She is going to remain a baby now that she found a "pac."  You should know that she would not touch one of these as a baby.  So typical of her. LOL

Kayleigh hearts popcorn chicken.  A lot!

She had fun with her Hide and Find game.  What's more fun then pulling things out of a bag?  Nothing is.

She destroyed her room.

Helped Sissy play Professor Layton

Basketball Buddies started back up and she played for the ENTIRE time.  Truly amazing since last year she's throw the ball a max of 3 times.  Then she'd retire to the bleachers and empty the diaper bag of all snacks while she watched the other tots play.  When the "official snack" was brought out, Kayleigh would slyly make her way back and sit in a circle with the others waiting sweetly for her snack.

Shooting hoops!

Practicing their passing

Time for running drills

The sweet, sweet reward!

Be sure to click the Tot School button at the top of the page and see what the other tot's have been up too.


  1. Enjoyed your post - thanks for sharing! Have a wonderfully blessed day!

  2. Thanks for stopping by enJOYing Life. Looks like your little girl had a fun week!

  3. Those cylinder blocks look neat! Ive never seen them before. I bet you can do alot with them.


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