Saturday, December 18, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

I really intended to do a full week of school this week.  It was scheduled and everything.  Didn't work out so well.  Mackenzie did a lot of independent work but the stuff that required me rarely happened.  Oh well, there's always next year.  LOL

Here's what we did do...

We got some snow and played in it.  It was very unusual for southern VA this time of year.  We had a lot of snow last year and that usually only happens about every 7 years so it was a surprise.

We went and saw The Moscow Ballet perform The Great Russian Nutcracker.  One of our favorite yearly traditions.

Made cookies and candies and wrapped some gifts.

And worshipped our Savior.

How was your week?  Hop on over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers and see what everyone else has been up to.


  1. Beautiful photos and wonderful time spent as a family!

  2. Sounds like a great week!
    Janet W

  3. Fun in the snow! Nice! Looks like the girls were lovin' it! Beautiful ballet photos! Looks like a perfect celebrating the holidays week!


  4. Your girls are so beautiful!

    So glad that you are enjoying the holiday season!

  5. what fun!!! Wonderful pictures!

  6. So glad to have found your blog.

    Have a Merry Christmas.

  7. Looks like the kids had an incredible time in the snow. It was even snowball worthy snow. The cookie making looks like 2 of my favorites (pretzel/m&m's and hershey kiss cookies). So great to see the kids worshiping. Have a wonderful Christmas!


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