Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Time to Dance: Book Sneeze Review

I recently received A Time to Dance by Karen Kingsbury to review. It's a Christian romance novel about a long-time married couple on their way to divorce. Right when they're about to announce their decision to their kids, their oldest daughter announces her engagement. Not wanting to diminish her happiness, they decide put their announcement on hold until after her wedding. The story tells of how God was working in their life, trying to repair their relationship, despite their best efforts to ignore Him.

I have to say that I LOVED this book. I've never read anything by Karen Kingsbury before this but I'm now anxious to read more.

The characters really drew you in. I felt like I knew this family and I was very emotionally invested in their lives. I found myself tearing up a few times. Not only was the book very entertaining, it was a good reminder of just how easy it is to ignore the still, small voice of our heavenly Father, and the consequences of doing so.

I was excited to learn that this book was the first in a series about this couple. I'm looking forward to following their journey.

I review for BookSneeze

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