Saturday, December 11, 2010

Weeklly Wrap-Up

I've been MIA from the wrap-up for a couple of weeks.  We've been MIA from our normal lives. LOL

Last weekend we went to NYC and this weekend we're at my dads.  Between the two trips we've done about 2 days of school.  So this week I decided that I'd show the highlights of our trip to NYC.  It was the first time for all of us and we had a great time.

Our first stop was The American Museum of Natural History.  Naturally, Mackenzie was trying to find the things that were in the movie.  That was a little tough because the museum is HUGE and there was massive amounts of unruly school groups.

Then we traipsed through Centeral Park in a quest to find The Plaza and FAO Schwarz.  Central Park was my favorite place in the city.  I now want to live by.  It's the awesomest backyard ever with none of the maintenance. LOL  It was exciting to see things that we've seen in movies or read about in books.  We imagined all of Peter Hatchers favorite spots from Tales of a 4th Grade nothing.

I have tons more pictures but I'm at my dad's and his internet service is s-l-o-w, so I'm giving up.  If you look back at some of my recent posts you can see some of the highlights in scrapbook form.  We visited Rockefeller Center, Times Square, the giant Toys R Us, American Girl, M&M world, Ground Zero, the Statue of Liberty, and the Empire State Building.

Mackenzie had her last piano lesson of 2010 yesterday and they did a little mini-recital.  Here she is playing We wish you a Merry Christmas.  Her teacher just raves about her and would like to see her in private lessons so she can work ahead even more.

Be sure to pop over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers to see how everyone else is faring.


  1. Nice pictures. The museum looks like a lot of fun as well as a great learning experience. Gorgeous smile your daughter is wearing while playing the piano. Thank you for sharing.

  2. How fun! Getting to walk through the movie like that. My son saw the pictures over my shoulder and was very impressed. Sounds like you are having a great time!

  3. Wow! Lotsa fun and learning in NYC, huh? We love the "Night at the Museum" movies!


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