Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tot School in NYC

Kayleigh is 34 months old

Tot School

We haven't been doing much in the way of Tot School lately but we've been doing a lot in the way of life school.

First we spent a long weekend in NYC.

Here's Kayleigh's favorite things there.

Riding the Bus into the City

The Natural History Museum

Sabrett's Vendor Dogs

Central Park

Central Park

Central Park

FAO Schwarz

FAO Schwarz

FAO Schwarz


Top of the Rock

American Girl Store

The Rockefeller Tree

Statue of Liberty

Empire State Building

M&M World

Toys R Us in Times Square

Click the Tot School Button at the top of the page to see what the  other  tot's are up too.


  1. Glad to see how much you're enjoying vacation in NYC! So many wonderful places. I love the bubble man in Central Park. My J would love it! The Natural History Museum looks cool too. My son is into books about dinosaur bones lately. Fun!

  2. Love the picture on the bus. Looks like a great trip. Kerri

  3. I live a half hour from NYC and Central Park is my favorite thing too...and the NYC pizza!! My girls love the American Girl store and the M&Ms store, too!

  4. Looks like a LOT of fun! I love the big bubbles in Central Park! :)

  5. Oh my goodness! what a fabulous week of Tot school! so fun!

  6. I love the pics! Looks like you guys really saw the sights. I went to NYC when I was 6 months preggo with my first, it was a blast! I'd love to go back with my kids and hubby.

  7. Oh, I would love to go to NY this time of year! I grew up not too far from there. Looks like a very fun trip.


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