Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up/Tot School

Kayleigh is 33 months
Tot School

This week is a combo wrap-up/tot school post.  Because we didn't really do much of anything other than prep for Thanksgiving, eat turkey and be thankful, recover from Thanksgiving, and put up our Christmas decorations.

First I have a confession...Last week, in Mackenzie's Wrap-Up, I claimed that we would get our last day of school down for the week.  We didn't.  We were driving home from piano class and I just didn't feel like doing school.  So we didn't.  LOL

The only school work on the schedule for this week was to finish our work from Friday.  We didn't work too hard at that either.  Mackenzie did manage to get almost everything done though.  Except history.  So we'll be reading two chapters tomorrow.  I really hope they're short ones.  =o)

Here are our Thanksgiving highlights.  We spent the day with my brother-in-law and his family.  We kept my niece overnight since she had Friday off school.  She's the same age as Mackenzie so that works out great.  And my nephew was happy to have a Rachel-free day off. LOL

The tree, the tree...

Today Kayleigh did a couple of Tot School activities on a whim.  I guess it's a good thing since it's the only time she played with our November sensory bin.  We'll be moving on to December soon.  (The cut/paste sort was from 1+1+1='s Thanksgiving pack.)

And that was our week.  Next week will be a short week as we're going to NYC for a long weekend.   Woot!


Elle Belles Bows said...

Love your pictures. Looks like a great week! Kerri

Tracey M. said...

I love the laid back time of the holidays. Those pictures were so cute! I love the ones with the girls hugging. And what a great tree! Very fun.

Mozer said...

Cute pictures! Your tree looks great and I like your fall sensory box.

Jada Rocks said...

What fun! I love the pick of her on Daddies shoulders putting up the star:) Beautiful tree! Have a blessed Week!

Forest Rose

Nicole said...

That's exactly how our Tot School was...relaxed and fun! I love the sensory box for November. Great idea with the popcorn kernels.

Andrea said...

Cute sensory bin, I meant to do a similar one but never got around to it!

Anonymous said...

We had the same dancing Christmas tree at our family gathering. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Fiona said...

fab week! Love the sensory bin! I have my December one all ready for Wednesday and can't wait to reveal it to the kids :-)

Sandra said...

Looks like so much fun! We need to get our tree up soon...

Debbie said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I really like your Nov. sensory tub with the popcorn.


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