Saturday, September 18, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

It’s time for the Weekly Wrap-Up hosted by Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. 

This week’s Wrap-Up is part this week and part last week.  As I just posted about our field trip last week because I was just feeling lazy.  This offended my student, who feels that everyone should know what she’s been up too.

So here are the highlights…


We are still studying birds.  Our “What food do birds prefer?”  ended.  The birds in our yard prefer sunflower seeds to mixed seed, but they will eat whatever’s available to them.

Here’s some of the birds that visited us.

Now we’ve moved on to a bird bath experiment.  What do bird prefer? High or Low?  So far they prefer not to come near ours.


We did some experiments about how birds slow themselves down and waterproof their feathers.

Social Studies

We’ve been working our way through the Gold Rush and have begun to work our way to the events leading up to the Civil War. 

She finished reading Freedom Train: The Story of Harriet Tubman.  And we finished her first pocket in our History Pockets: The American Civil War.  We’re now on pocket two.


We also had a field trip to the Jamestown Settlement for homeschool days.  It as a nice review of what we studied last year.  And I got an awesome picture of the musket demonstration.  Check out our day HERE.  


She’s been continuing to work with lines in How to Teach Art to Children.  One day she had to create a drawing using two lines going in the same direction.  Here you see her beach scene, a walking stick, the sun & moon, and a pyramid scene.


Then she had to create a maze by curving lines around torn pieces of paper.  She found this one a little tricky.

DSC_0674 She’s also continuing to enjoy our study of Mary Cassatt.  Our weekly picture study notebooking page is the only time she doesn’t gripe about writing. LOL



Lastly, she had her first soccer game of the season and the Yellow Bumblebees won!!  Mackenzie even scored a goal!


  1. Looks like a great week! I used to live near Jamestown (Va. Beach) and I love and miss the whole area!

  2. Looks like a great week! Love the artwork - very nice. 8-)

  3. What a great week you've had! Isn't it nice to *look* back through your week and see all the successes?

  4. What a nice week! Love the art work too.
    Monica at


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