Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 30 months

Tot School


There was not a lot of tot schooling happening here this week.  The tot was not the least bit interested in anything except avoiding naps and walking around in dress up shoes.

Our letter this week was D.  D was supposed to be for dinosaur, Dora, or dragon but in really it was for disappointing. LOL  Needless to say, since we barely touched anything, we’ll be continuing with D next week too.

Here’s what we did do.  We read about David and Goliath and Daniel in the lion’s den in our various tot friendly Bibles.

We were going to use these Dinosaur clip cards with our mini-clothespins except the mini-clothespins were too difficult.  She really has terrible time squeezing anything with her fingers.  Whether it’s tongs, clothespins of varying sizes, she struggles. 

So I took away cards and clipped the pins to a container and tried to show her how to pinch them to open them.  She did not want to hear it.  This child does not take direction well at all.  She just pulled them off and wouldn’t even attempt to pinch them.



She was willing to work with her pom pom magnets on our D is for Dinosaur magnet page


She was also willing to work on Dinosaur Patterns, once. 


The biggest hit of the week was just playing with toy dinosaurs.  She hadn’t seen these before and she used them everyday.  Mackenzie enjoyed them too.  I also gave them some played so they could make dinosaur tracks.



I also gave her some free time with play dough in the hopes of building up those little fingers.  However, as I expected, her interest in that didn’t last more than 5 minutes.  She’s never been big on play dough.  Well unless dinosaurs are involved.  Then she loves it. LOL


She kept trying to steal Mackenzie’s Mad Libs so I pulled out this Wacky Animals Mad Art book that I had picked up a while back.  While she didn’t do it as intended, she did enjoy writing in it.  At least until she started writing on the floor and her clothes because she insisted on laying down with it.  Then I took it away.


Our non-pictured activities included a trip to Water Country USA, watching Dinosaur Train, and getting in lots of trouble for climbing out of her bed at nap time and playing with toys. 

Oh and she has a new favorite book, Touch the Art: Make Van Gogh's Bed.   It’s a board book featuring art from all the greats with a touch and feel element for the tots.  She just loves it!

In fact, she liked it so much that we went and got Touch the Art: Brush Mona Lisa's Hairtoo!  It’s only a matter of time before we own them all.  LOL 

We didn’t get to our D is for Dragon page for our book or work on her Creation book.  She just didn’t want to.

Be sure to head over to 1+1+1=1 to see what the less moody tots did this week.  =o)


  1. Your posts are hilarious...maybe since it was "D" week she wanted to be a Diva and not doing anything but avoid naps and wear dress up shoes? :)

    Caeden has trouble w/clothespins too, I haven't gotten that activity out for a while. ;)

  2. i enjoyed reading your post! kids are so unpredictable! they'll like something one minute and then be totally not into it the next! this is why i hadn't posted anything for so long - my son wasn't interested in anything but watching tv and playing trains! :) *sigh*

  3. Some kids just know exactly what they want and what they don't! My oldest was willing to do just about everything with a cheery smile (as long as it wasn't messy and goopy; to this day he doesn't like finger paints or gluing or anything that gets him sticky), but my little tot is already shaping up to be a stubborn little diva too!

  4. It seems like it's been hard for us to get moving, too. I think we did the letter S for 3 weeks (Maybe it was 4??) :)

    Also- where did you get the information for the Creation book? I remember seeing it, but now I can't remember?

  5. Hi there!

    First - thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog and about the felt/magnet board I made!

    Second - I had to chuckle to myself while reading your post. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has weeks like that!

    And finally - thanks for sharing your activity with the magnet pom-poms! I completely forgot that I had a bag stashed away! I dragged them out today!

    Am definitely your newest follower!

  6. Thank you for visiting our blog! I'm sorry this week did not go as planned. I know the feeling, I think I want to do the activities more than my boys (especially after all the time and effort I put into planning them, ha ha). Your tot school planning is AMAZING! I will be coming back to get ideas from the resources you listed! Thank you.

  7. You cracked me up! I have a moody tot too! And this week for totschool is not going well, so far all we have got accomplished it to watch one short video on creation. But reading your post reminded me not to worry too much about it! Thanks!

  8. Well look at the bright side, at least your planning for this week won't take as long. =)

  9. Anxious to hear about the scissors! I (cross my fingers here) think we might have found one too. Something must have switched in Sophie's brain because she is doing great this week! I am so proud of her trying.


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