Saturday, August 28, 2010

L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge~Listen


The theme for this week’s L.E.N.S. Photo Challenge is listen.   I was having a hard time thinking of what I wanted to do for this one.  I thought about maybe using one of my MANY photos of my toddler screaming.  I do listen to that a lot. LOL

However, we did some shopping today and that inspired me to go in a different direction.  So here’s my entry.

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My budding piano player was a tad disappointed that you couldn’t see that it was her playing our new digital piano. So I’m posting this picture too, as proof that it is, indeed, Mackenzie playing. LOL  It’s not my entry though.


Hopefully, with a few lessons under her built, this will become something that we enjoy listening to frequently.  For now we might need to get some head phones for that thing. LOL


  1. great photos :)

    listen was a hard one but you did great :)

  2. Don't you just LOVE it when they get interested in music?? My 11 yr old has really gotten into the piano. His big motivation in that direction is Jon Schmidt! He makes it FUN!! Watch the video clip with her at and see her imagination FLY!! There's a few fun clips of him on y blog if you do a search for Jon Schmidt there, you'll find lots of clips. ;D

  3. I love the first shot of just the hand...I feel like you could almost hear the piano.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.