Sunday, August 22, 2010

Tot School

Kayleigh is 30 months old
Tot School

Click the button above to see what the other tots have been up too.

It was another interesting week. We lost a couple of days to errands involving Big Sis' extra curriculars but we still managed to do quite a bit. When she was in the right frame of mind. More often then not, she was just in a mood. Shocking, I know. LOL

But what I can't wait to show you is what she did at the end of our week. I'm going to wait though. Til the end. It's worth the wait though.

One of the first things that we did was finish our "B is for Bumblebee" page for our ABC book we're making. I forgot to take a picture of the completed project, but you get the idea. She was very excited to use "real" glue. I was very excited that she couldn't squeeze very well so there wasn't a big mess.

We, finally, used our foam blocks from the Target dollar spot. We sorted them by color. Mostly she just wanted to dump a bunch into any bag and then dump them all over the floor.

The lunch bags aren't very sturdy to use with an ornery tot so I bought some brown paper gift bags to use instead. I've just got to get around to switching the tags.

We also practiced shape/color matching with our Giant Nuts and Bolts. She's still not great at screwing them together but she does match them up.

She also went bowling for the first time. She loved it.

I gave her a tray with colored crafts sticks, matching pom poms, and tongs. She was supposed to match the pom poms to the sticks but she was not even going to attempt that. She did work with the tongs a bit but had a hard time because she insisted on laying on her stomach. That's her new thing and it makes it hard for her to do most activities.

Somebody's getting a little table on payday. Hopefully that will end that battle. She gets frusterated that she can't do something she's done before but she refuses to sit up. LOL

Kayleigh chose to practice her shapes with her Hide'N Squeak Eggs. For the first time she actually decided to put them together correctly and in their correct spots. LOL Good thing because we're playing with them again when we get to the letter E.

I finally got around to making a button snake for her. I found that over at The Activity Mom's blog.

She likes to wear it. LOL

Mackenzie had a nature scavenger hunt as part of her science lesson this week so Kayleigh played Neighborhood Bingo courtesy of 2 Teaching Mommas.

Our letter this week was C. At our house C was for caterpillar and creation.

We did some caterpillar sorting and counting with our games from COAH.

She picked a random number. I asked her what is was. She said, "2" because that is the only important number in her world. Then I'd correct her and I'd count out the proper number of caterpillars with her. Then she'd place them on the mat. Or throw them. Whatever.

She's gotten really good at this. She played it all week long.

We read about the story of Creation in our many tot Bibles. Then we started making a Creation book. I was hoping to get more than one page done but that didn't happen. So we'll just keep going until we finish.

I forgot to post her C page for her book. C is for caterpillar and she just put dot stickers on the C and added eyes and anntena.

Not pictured but she also watched Baby Miracle - The Story of Creation and played with her The Days of Creation Nesting Globes.

And now here is the highlight of my post. It's Kayleigh at the closing celebration of our VBS this week. Clearly she's going to need some direction on appropriate church behavior. LOL


  1. Video=awesomeness. Oh, the spontaneous moments of Tots.

    Great activities too! caeden likes to do some of his activities on the floor like that too...he has 2 tables to use (that he doesn't). :)

  2. I love the photo of her at the bowling alley, and the video is priceless.

    I need to try the button ribbon

  3. You do so many great things!! I am really looking forward to getting back to Tot School when we get home!!

    Loved the video :)

  4. Hi!

    I'm a new follower to your site and LOVED reading your tot school post! (Sorry about getting stranded in the boat too, but the pictures were gorgeous!)

    Can't wait to come back and ready more!

  5. Great week. I love the button snake. I think I will try it sometime. : ) Your experience with numbers sounds like mine with colors. Everything is "green."

  6. Wow it looks like you accomplished a lot this week. we are also doing the creation book! I think we may need to try bowling for our B week. Thanks for sharing!

  7. You truly saved the best for last, the video is just too funny. She was having a ball. I can tell she loved the bowling. That's a great idea, I think my son would like that too. You have a great variety of activities for learning.

  8. What a great idea for the target foams! I've been trying to figure out what to do with those. That video is too cute, reminds me of us at church.


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