Sunday, August 22, 2010

L.E.N.S. Challenge: Sunlight

This week's L.E.N.S. Challenge was sunlight. I had trouble choosing so I narrowed it down to two. =o)

This is taken in the Phillipine Sea just before sunset. We were stranded in the boat that we had just boat and I was bored. (And I do mean literally just bought. We were taking the boat from the seller to our marina. But that's another story. LOL)

This is also of the Phillipine Sea, right at sunset, from land. I love the silouette of the plants. I never noticed the four spider silouettes until after the fact. Good thing, cuz I'd have probably freaked. It could've been worse, I guess, this was in Guam so it very well could've been a silouette of a brown tree snake. Ack!

I miss all the beautiful scenery on that tiny, little island.


  1. Both beautiful pictures. The pictuer of the water is so realistic, it makes me feel like I can feel the coldness of the water and certainly see the depth of the sea.

  2. I love both of the picturs too. I can see where you had a hard time deciding!

  3. I love both pictures. So beautiful! :)

  4. beautiful! I really liked the last photo, such beautiful colors!

    thanks for entering the challenge!

  5. Oh my goodness, that Philippine Sea shot is breathtaking!!

  6. I really like the second picture.
    I'm giving you the Cherry on Top Award. Stop by my blog to pick it up!


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