Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekly Wrap-Up

Our week, as always, was filled with interruptions. A symphony field trip, which I missed as wee tot had a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment and a much needed trip to the grocery store tried to slow us down. But we pushed through and got it all done. Woot!!


This week our topic was Jesus healing the sick. It went right along with what Mackenzie's Sunday school lesson was about. She likes it when that happens.


We finished up with the 7's around Wednesday. Instead of moving on 8's we did online drills for the remainder of the week to help her speed.

Language Arts

In FLL, we spent the week working on dictionary skills. Our narration/dictation in WWE came from Little Women this week and now Mackenzie's really interested in reading the entire book.

Spelling Power is continuing to work well for Mackenzie. Oh and we're finished with "official handwriting" for the year. Woot!


We talked about wind and it's many forms. Mackenzie ended the week by making a warm-air propeller.

Social Studies

This week we finished reading If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution, George Washington: Our First Leader, and Toliver's Secret.

We learned about the Consitutional Convention and how the various delegates reached many compromises. We talked about how it is the only government document of it's age that is still used in modern times and how it has been a model for many other nations. We are excited to see the Constitution when we go to D.C. next month.

We also spent some time looking at School House Rock videos that pertained to the colonial and revolutionary time period. Mackenzie loved that.

The highlight of the week, at least for mom, was this. Mackenzie will probably be more thrilled when it all arrives.


  1. Sounds like a good week all around. Have fun with your school shopping! It is fun to get new books. Have a good weekend.

  2. Looks like a good week for you guys, thanks for sharing.

  3. Y'all had a great week. I know how those interruptions can be so aggravating, but I've finally just realized they are life. We hop right back on track and go. It's harder some days than others.

  4. Oh wow, it sounds like a great week. I don't know how you got all that accomplished with the appointments! I didn't do a wrap-up this week because it would have been identical to last week :)

  5. It feels SO GOOD when your weeks are full and "complete"- WOOT! ;0)

  6. TOO funny that you watched Schoolhouse Rock videos because we did too!! The girls kept clicking from one to the next. I started with the ones that go along with our history, but they kept going to others as well. Lauren was a little irritated that they didn't have the FULL definition of a noun (per FLL) in the video. LOL


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