Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tot School

Tot School

This was our last week with of our "Love" theme. We didn't do too many "love" activities because we had too many appointments. LOL

Kayleigh has been very, very, very interested in cutting. But our scissors haven't been a remote possibility for her. So I bought her some new ones. These and these. We tried them both and my conclusion is that she's just not developmentally ready for cutting. But that's okay, we'll keep practicing. She liked them anyway.

The spring-action scissors worked the best. I held the paper for her (well not in this picture because I was holding the camera LOL) and tried to get her to squeeze the scissors. She really just wants to stab the paper with them. But I helped her squeeze too so she got a few cuts.

Here she is trying the Melissa and Doug scissors on her own. No way is she ready for these.

And the spring action.

Once we had cut enough paper, I gave her a glue stick and let her paste for a while. Glue sticks make her happy.

So do "sticks." We used heart "sticks" so now her project fits into our love them. LOL

Her finished product.

I made her a heart shaped lacing card. It went well for the first 3 minutes.

Now she's done. LOL

She loves the pom pom magnets I made. So she did an A magnet page and a heart magnet page.

This activity she picked out herself. Counting bears. I got out the sorting mat. She matched them correctly, at first, then her devious streak came out and she put them all over. LOL

We built towers with her foam ABC blocks. She had an obsession with the letter "B".

And she practiced her unzipping. During breakfast. LOL

Next week we're going to start a Brown Bear, Brown Bear theme. I'm excited because I found lots of neat games to make for her. Then we're moving on to Easter.

Be sure to check out the other tot's over at Carisa's.


  1. What a GREAT week!! You know, Maddie has those exact same scissors (both pairs). I find that SHE likes the M&D ones better but can use the spring-action ones MUCH better (although, she still struggles). I have found that a good way to practice scissor cutting for Maddie is to break out the play dough and make long, skinny snakes. Give her a portion of the snake and she can snip, snip through the play dough. I don't know, but it's easier than paper and she feels successful.

    Anyway, you guys go to a LOT it seems!! Love it all!

  2. Sophie has asked for scissors a few times lately. I am totally not ready for that yet. Thanks for your suggestions on scissors though...I have a feeling I will be buying some soon.

  3. I really love your magnet pompoms!! How did you make them? I have been looking for something like this for the magnet pages and I think Sunshine would love these since she loves pompoms!!!

  4. oo the scissors.. they are so tough! They look like so much fun to them but yet they can't quite do them.. which for us equaled frustration! He is just now starting to be able to cut things! I need to do some more cutting activities thanks for the reminder :-)

  5. I totally love the pom pom magnets you made and then using them on cookie sheets for activities. Brilliant...I am SO borrowing this one!!

  6. I second the scissors on play-doh idea--that is working great for B right now! I know what you mean both about the devious streak and the unzipping practice. (I just never seem to have the camera available at times like that--cute pics!) I also love your pom-pom magnets. Will have to try that! Thanks for sharing your week.

  7. We are big fans of cutting and gluing around here. My daughter is five, and she keeps making collages and shapes like houses (with cut out windows, etc.). Isn't it funny how fun cutting and gluing can be?

  8. Ah, I love the unzipping. Too cute!

    I noticed someone else posted about playdough and scissors. Those are the only scissors Alex uses right now. He uses 2 hands to open and close them, but he loves to cut through the playdough!

    I look forward to seeing the Brown Bear stuff next week!


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