Friday, December 11, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up

Happy Friday! It's time for our Weekly Wrap-up with Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

Our week was relatively easy thanks to our modified Christmas schedule. It's working well, even though it's not what we usually do. I'm hoping that next year will work out better so we can take the month off, for Jesus, like we normally do. I doubt it though because I'm pretty certain we'll be moving sometime next fall and that we require addtional days off. (Hubby's retiring from the military and we're outta here. LOL)


We are taking a break from our Grapevine Studies til after the holidays. Mackenzie has been continuing on with her regular Bible reading, scheduled by Sonlight, and we've been doing some Christmas centered activities.

I think our favorite this week was the new Veggie Tales movie, The Joy of Giving. The best Veggie Tales movie EVER! We loved it! It's about the history of Saint Nicolas and it's fabulous. We laughed and laughed and learned a few things.


She finished her x3s and aced her test. Now she's prepping for her x6s by working on skip counting by 6. With a little fraction work thrown in.

Social Studies:

We dropped our regular SS curriculum in favor of some more Christmas-oriented lapbooks. This week she made a lapbook based on the novel Felicity's Surprise. We got it here. Cheap!

It was perfect for our needs becauses that exactly the time period we're studying. And she has the Felicity doll so she was particularly excited.

Language Arts:

Nothing too exciting here. We're working hard on linking verbs and things called predicate nominatives. Working hard too because FLL has been covering that topic for a while now. LOL

Life Skills:

A new class on the home ec front called "Get rid of all the junk hiding around the house because we want to try and sell the place in the spring/summer." 'Nuf said except, not Mackenzie's favorite subject. We did her room yesterday. LOL
I did allow her a small taste of next week's life skills lesson. She seemed to enjoy this lesson more.

Here are some misc. shots of her this week.

Watching a movie with daddy.

Wrapping paper fun with wee babe. (Wee babe loves this and, 3 days later, still hunts around the house for her "stick." LOL)

Filling in our advent calendar. Not our most exciting one because I am not organized this year.


  1. Yay for hubby getting out for good. We so appreciate his service (and yours) y'all deserve a break :)

    I haven't seen that Veggie Tales movie, I will definitely check that out for Bram!

    And I love your Life Skills title. We will be doing that this spring or summer (hopefully) because I want to put our house on the market.

  2. Love your life skills class! I really need to implement that around here!

  3. Congrats on Hubby's retirement! Where are you going to be moving to? Is it before we get out to Virginia next summer?

    Looks like you are having a fun week, and holiday season. Our Advent celebration is non-existent since we are at the grandparents' house, and they are not believers. Makes it kind of difficult.

    Have a great rest of the holidays! Merry Christmas!

  4. You might think your Advent calendar is boring, but at least you have one! LOL


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