Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up/ Tot School: Christmas Lights Edition

Kayleigh is currently 22 months

Tot School

We are currently on break from all "formal" learning. We've been in cookie and visit mode. So here's our festive Weekly Wrap-Up and Tot School edition. #1

So here's what our week looked like. It looked PRETTY!

We went to visit my dad and step-mom in the middle of no-where, NC. This is their potting shed all decked out for Christmas. The only sign of Christmas there. Not even a tree. Gasp! LOL

One night Grandpa drove us out to see a house where the family is apparently very excited about Christmas. And they have deep pockets for their electric bill. All these shots came from one house.

Be sure to check out what everyone else is up to over at Carisa's and Kris'.


  1. Wow!! I can't believe that all of those pictures came from one house! Crazy!

  2. What beautiful pictures! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I gave you the Lemonade Stand Award over on my blog.



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