Saturday, November 21, 2009

Weeky Wrap-Up/ Tot School: Daddy edition

Kayleigh is currently 21 months
Tot School

This week we experienced life school at it's best...Daddy's home!!!!!!

I would like to say that we got these great pictures of his homecoming but we didn't cuz of his command's inability to communicate properly. But the important thing is that daddy's home.

I did take some pictures at IHOP where daddy ate his first sand-free meal. Here are my favorites.

Some nice gentlemen noticed that Kevin had just stepped off a plane from somewhere sandy (you don't wear desert cami's here this time of year) and paid for our meals. How nice is that?

Be sure to check out what other's are doing over at Carisa's and Kris'.


  1. Praise God. Your post brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for your family and thankful for your sacrifice. Here's to a happy adjustment to civilian life.

    Handsome Hubby BTW! :)

  2. I refuse to look too closely at those pictures for a second time b/c I do not want to get all teary-eyed again! LOL Again, so glad he's home!

  3. So glad that you hubby is home safe!

  4. Oh, wow. That is so neat. I know it blessed your socks off!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.