Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chasing Picture Perfection Assignment

It's time for another photo challenge over at Chasing Picture Perfection.

Our assignment this time is to take a stop action photo. I was excited about this assignment because I've been working on that skill all summer long. Between my daughter's soccer games and my friend's field hockey I'm slowly, but surely, getting better at this.

I like shooting action shots, particularly kids sports, because when you look back at the pictures you can see all the funny expressions the players make. That's hours of good, cheap entertainment. After my daughter's first soccer game we spent over an hour going through the 600+ pictures I took and made up a story based on the kids facial expressions. We laughed until our sides hurt.

Here are my two favorite shots of the summer. The second shot is a bonus because my daughter really wanted me to use a shot of her this time. Apparently she keeps track of this stuff. LOL So you get a 2-4-1 this time.

Those are some hard-working girls on that field hockey field.

I like this soccer picture because the kids remind me of a dog chasing it's tail. They just keep running after that ball. LOL My daughter's the one with the ribbons in her hair. She likes to be sporty and girly.

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