Sunday, November 1, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up: Wolf Edition

Yes, it's that time again! Time for the Weekly Wrap-Up hosted by Kris. And yes, I'm late again. LOL

We had a very light week of schooling this week. We never did quite catch up with our missed work from last week so I decided that we would finish what we missed and not really schedule much "formal" work. We did continue on with math and LA but we took a break from our regular social studies and science.

We had two field trips this week. Although nothing could top seeing the Declaration of Independence last week.

On Wednesday we went to the farm. It was alright. For starters, it was HOT! Who likes a hot farm? Not us. Plus, we've been there a few times so I think it was getting a bit old. And our favorite part is Farmer Tom's wild hayride. Except Farmer Tom ditched us! Something about running a farm...As if!! LOL His daughter took over. She was sweet but she doesn't drive that tractor like her father.

So we learned about dairy cows, corn, and other farm stuff. And we got to pick pumpkins.

Thursday we went back to The Living Museum. Our last trip there for a bit, as my friend's son's class at a nearby museum is over.

We decided to study the wolves this week and make a wolf lapbook. And my friend's son was "over" his other class so his mom let him join us. We now know lots about wolves.

On our way back from "playing" with the wolves, we found a museum volunteer tagging and releasing monarchs. So we stopped to visit. We can now tell the difference between a male and female and she let the bigger kids hold them. Oh the stuff we would miss if we were in a classroom all day long.

1 comment:

  1. What a great week! I love all the real life learning you got in. Sometimes it's nice to take a break from the ordinary routine :).


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