Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tot School

Kayleigh is currently 20 months
Tot School

Tot School this week was made up entirely of life school. I did not plan a single Tot School activity this week. We had 2 field trips this week, plus Halloween so I called that "good."

Our first trip of the week was to Brookdale Farm. Kayleigh had fun on a hayride, looking at animals, and running through a field of orange "balls." I mean pumpkins. Or as Kayleigh calls them, "punkees".

Kayleigh saw a bug on the greenhouse floor and wasn't happy with it. LOL

Sitting with sissy like a big girl.


Later that week, we went to The Virginia Living Museum. Sissy was studying wolves and making a lapbook. Kayleigh tagged along and had a couple of wolfie things to do of her own.

She was very interested in coloring her wolf "book". I'm sure it had a lot to do with the fact that Mackenzie and her friends were working on their own lapbooks but I found it encouraging. One day we might be able to make a Tot Book. We just need to convince Kayleigh to at least try activities mommy's way. Yeah, right! LOL

We also took another peek at the megalodon exhibit. Oddly enough Kayleigh doesn't find sharks "ska-ee". Just dead corn. LOL

Her favorite thing to so was play "find the turtle" in the pond tank. He's a quick little turtle.

Be sure to check out what the other tots are doing at Carissa's and Susan's.


  1. Lots of great field trips this week! I love that she calls pumpkins "punkees" son (26 months) calls them "pumpums". :) I see you did a Tot Book on wolfs...I haven't tried any yet with my guy, but I think I"m going to soon! Looks like y'all had a great week!

  2. Great pics - looks like a really fun week!

  3. Great looks like a fun week!!

  4. As always you guys had fun and you took some awesome pictures. I love the "orange balls"--never heard that one before and it is too cute!

    So, what program do you use to photoshop, b/c your pictures are always sooooo good:-)!!

    Thanks for linking up again this week!

  5. Field trips are great and there's nothing like life learning! Sounds like a fun tot school week!

  6. Orange balls, I love it. She is just the cutest and spunky too.

  7. When my preschooler was younger, he called pumpkins "Punkees" too! Sounds like it was a fun week with those field trips!

  8. Looks like fun! Too funny about the corn & sharks.

  9. What fun field trips! It looks like you had a great week.


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