Saturday, November 14, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up: Flood Edition

Well's it the end of the week and time for the Weekly Wrap-Up hosted by Kris.

There's not much to say about our week. We were having an easy week in preparation for DADDY COMING HOME. =o) Meaning I pawn off my kids on other people so that I can do some cleaning in peace. Kenzie's work for the week was a math test and starting a Thanksgiving Lapbook.

The lapbook is going well. No pictures yet because it's not finished. However my tasks were put on hold due to the lovely Nor'Easter that blew through. Thus preventing me from ditching my kids with anyone. I could explain the problem but I'll let the pictures do the talking.

This was no surprise. There's been problems with the drains in our neighborhood since we moved in. A little rain and the streets flood, a big storm and the ducks are thrilled. The problem is easily fixed if they come out and pump them, but they rarely do. Regardless of how many phone calls they get. So needless to say, 2 days later, the "moat" around my "palace" remains. Thus I'm pretty certain my slab will get soaked and the water will seep through the floor and I'll be replacing the entire thing again. Sigh...


  1. Oh my goodness!! So sorry for the turn of events and the water damage. Yikes!

  2. Oh my goodness!!! I hope you don't flood in your house. I'd go crazy being stuck inside until it receeded. Crazy weather.

  3. so sorry for the water damage. I hope it was not too bad for you.

  4. Oh. My. Goodness. I'm so sorry. I hope it's not too expensive of a mess!!

  5. Wow. That's intense. Enjoy Daddy being home!

  6. Well, that's just not fun! Hope next week is better and that Daddy gets home safely!


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