Sunday, November 15, 2009

Kayleigh is currently 21 months

Tot School

Well I'm attempting to do a Tot School post this week. Tot School has been replaced mainly with Life School, mostly due to a certain tot's less-than-desirable behavior. Dealing with temper tantrums is mainly what we've been dealing with around here, with a little homeschooling fit in around them for Big Sis. So this post will cover the few things that we've done over the last two weeks.

I brought out our "Fall" spooning activity again, sans spoons. She wasn't ready for the spoons last time so I just letter her work with her fingers. All I was hoping for was that she would put one gem in each spot. I'm still hoping. She did not want them there. LOL

We also tried a new activity with magnets. I found these really neat magnet sheets. Basically they are just pictures with "holes" in them. You put a round magnet in the "holes". They suggested buying the magnets on Amazon but I found them at the Dollar Tree for cheap, cheap, cheap. There are sheets for just about any theme you can think of so I printed out some with a Thanksgiving theme.

She really liked this activity. She even attempted to put the magnets in the "right" spots for a while. Score!!! She did this activity for several days. Eventually it would up being another thing for her to throw (that's one our main issues right now) so I put it away for another time.

She likes sitting at the table with Mackenzie's Bible. That never lasts long as she is very rough with it and we have to take it away. Naturally she has zero interest in her many Bibles.

Here she is "working" in her big girl notebook. She likes to "sit wok" a lot.

Reading with sissy is something Mackenzie would LOVE to do more of but Kayleigh rarely allows it.

She does like it when Mackenzie sings her favorite song with her.

2 Little Monkeys swining from the tree

Teasing Mr. Alligator...

Along comes Mr. Alligator quiet as can be...

And he snaps that monkey right out of that three!!!! (Insert lots of laughter here)

But for the most part she's been doing this...

Which is apparently exhausting...

Be sure to check out what the other tots are up to over at Carisa's.


  1. I feel you on the tantrums! Oh the terrible twos! The magnet idea looks great - we'll have to check out our dollar store!!

  2. Love those magnet pages!

    Seriously, my little guy has been having LOTS of tantrums lately too, mainly the writhing-around-on-the-floor variety, so I can sympathize. Hang in there! These little 2 year olds sure do have definite ideas about how they want to do things, don't they?!

    You did some great activities this week!

  3. Your girls are adorable! I have yet to experience full tantrums from Connor. He's just turned 2 so I'm sure they are coming soon. The word 'no' has arrived so it's a matter of time. Love your ideas :)

  4. She's pretty cute when she's throwing a tantrum. But I know, cute or not, as a mama you have to have a no tolerance policy with them. It can be so very exhausting though.

  5. Bless you heart with those tantrums! My son is only 14 months and he already can throw one mean fit:( I'm afraid of what the twos will bring!

    I LOVE the magnet pages! I don't know my mine will do anything with them, but I'll definitely save them for later! I also like those acorns for spooning...very cute:)

  6. Haha, i love that she wouldnt put the fall shapes into the pumpkin tin, lol. And i also know about the tantrums. Gotta love little girls and their stubbornness :)

  7. I love the magnet page idea. I'll have to try that one! The photos of your older daughter singing to the younger one are great--so cute!

  8. Ditto on the magnet pages. Those rock!! I have to get myself over to dollar tree and see if I can find some of those magnets, too. We love that monkey song over here as well. :) Good luck with your terrible twos. I feel that is the direction we are headed in, oh no!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.